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茅台酒在数十年前就利用展会上的小招数香飘全球,可见企业历rrrrrrrrn来重视会展的传播作用,会展是企业与相关部门、同行、客户、供应商rrrrrrrrn等直接交流的重要方式,具有规模大、影响力强、沟通直接等诸多优点,但rrrrrrrrn同时企业也面临着诸多困惑:rrrrrrrrn会展很多,企业资源有限,在决定是否参加某些会展时,如何筛选有价值rrrrrrrrn的会展?rrrrrrrrn会展上企业与同行同台竞技,如何争夺观众注意力,如何突显自身优势?rrrrrrrrn会展上各种利益相关者集中光顾,企业如何恰当应对?rrrrrrrrn会展如何与其他传播手段相互配合,共同实现高效的传播?rrrrrrrrn本刊通过对企业利用会展传播进行传播的一些要点的讨论和真实案例的展rrrrrrrrn示,为读者提供一些思路和借鉴,意在抛砖引玉,希望企业能够更充分、更rrrrrrrrn具创造性地运用会展传播。 Maotai liquor in the decades before the use of the trick tricks fragrance worldwide, we can see the business calendar to pay attention to the spread of the exhibition, the exhibition is business and Related departments, peers, customers, suppliers and other direct exchange of important ways, with large scale, strong influence, direct communication and many other advantages, but At the same time enterprises are also faced with many confusion: a lot of exhibitions, business resources are limited, How to screen valuable events when deciding whether or not to attend certain conventions? How to highlight their own advantages? How to compete for the audience’s attention? Exhibition focus on various stakeholders, how to deal with the appropriate business? How MICE and other means of communication work together to achieve efficient communication? Articles through the use of conventions and exhibitions to spread the spread of some of the main points of the discussion and the real case of the exhibition r r r r r r r r n Show, to provide readers with some ideas and references, intended to start a business, hope that enterprises can be more fully, and more creative use of exhibition spread.
国内CT、X线机“老大”东软2月份传出与飞利浦合资消息,双方成立一医疗系统公司,其中东软占股份49%,面对同行的大手笔,称得上同行业“老大”的深圳迈瑞又有何感想? Domestic
一、原料问题本来就是乳品企业的大问题我有这样一个观点 ,不知大家是否有同感 :一个企业浪费钱最多的环节 ,一个是广告媒体 ,另一个是原料采购。对于前者可能大家容易接受 ,
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。湖州丝绸市场近期行情 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Huzhou sil
随着与海洋有关的经济利益的增加,以及一些国家之间岛屿主权归属问题和海洋权益争议的日趋激烈,海洋对亚太国家军事安全的重要性越来越突出,海洋的军事战略地位明显上升。 W