
来源 :地理科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyalil
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基于企业微观数据,定量刻画高铁开通前后站区产业空间格局变动,并诊断和确定在不同阶段的关键驱动要素及其贡献度。结果表明,高铁站区产业空间具有明显的圈层结构,但“以高铁站点为中心的向心集聚”在高铁开通初始阶段尚不明显,开发强度并不随着与站点距离增加而降低,核心区的开发强度小于影响区。除了圈层空间分异之外,产业分层集聚态势凸显,与高铁乘客的商务特征相对应的商务服务业在高铁开通后空间集聚程度明显高于其他几类产业;批发零售业、居民服务业和科技服务业与高铁开通相关性不明显;交通运输业和住宿餐饮业作为交通站区的基础服务产业,相关程度介于以上两类之间。从内外两方面驱动因素构建的高铁站区产业空间格局变动模型分析得出,除了交通条件、外部规模经济等传统区位因素外,产业属性、地价对高铁站区产业空间格局的变动有较大影响。 Based on the micro-data of enterprises, quantitatively describe the changes of industrial spatial pattern before and after the HSR opening, and diagnose and determine the key drivers and contributions in different phases. The results show that there is a clear circle structure in the industrial zone of high-speed railway station area. However, the “agglomeration of centripetal centers centered on high-speed railway stations” is not obvious at the initial stage of high-speed railway launch. The strength of development does not decrease with increasing distance from the station, The development intensity of the core area is less than that of the impact area. In addition to the spatial differentiation of the stratosphere, the trend of industrial agglomeration has become more prominent. The commercial service industry corresponding to the commercial features of high-speed rail passengers has significantly higher degree of spatial agglomeration than other types of industries after the opening of the HSR. The wholesale and retail industry, And science and technology service and high-speed rail opened the relevance is not obvious; Transportation and accommodation Catering industry as a transit station area of ​​basic service industry, the relevant degree between the above two categories. From the internal and external drivers, the analysis of the change pattern of high-speed railway station area’s industrial spatial pattern shows that industrial property and land price have a great influence on the change of industrial spatial pattern of high-speed railway station area except for the traditional location factors such as traffic conditions and external scale economy .
虽然年仅28岁,但说起房地产的这12年,翁晟还是深有感触:“我十几岁就知道投资房产有利可图了。”毫不客气地说,他也确确实实经历了这个阶段,体会到了房产12年来的喜与忧。 A