
来源 :河南省情与统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freedomo
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2002年,河南省委、省政府做出了《关于大力整治企业经营环境的决定》,这是省委、省政府为适应我国加入WTO,应对经济发展新形势、转变政府职能的一项重大举措。为了了解外商和港澳台在我省投资工业企业经营环境方面的现状和需求,为各级党委、政府提供决策依据,最近,河南省企业调查队在郑州、洛阳、开封、平顶山、安阳、新乡、焦作、许昌、三门峡、南阳、周口、商丘等12个中心城市的217家外商和港澳台投资企业中,开展了企业经营环境问卷调查。调查结果显示,大多数企业对政府在规范行政行为、解决企业纠纷的效率、改善投资环境工作、规范市场秩序以及规划管理经济决策能力等诸方面的服务表示满意。河南省整治企业经营环境工作取得了显著成果,但还存在一些政府职能部门向企业乱收费、乱罚款、乱摊派、乱检查的“四乱”现象,执法能力与办事效率还有待进一步提高,企业周边环境的综合整治和管理水平须继续加强和改进。 In 2002, Henan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government made “a decision on vigorously rehabilitating the business environment of the enterprise”, a major measure taken by the provincial party committee and the provincial government to adapt to China’s accession to the WTO, deal with the new situation of economic development and transform the government’s functions . In order to understand the status quo and needs of foreign businessmen, Hong Kong, Maucao and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises in investing in industrial enterprises in our province and providing decision-making basis for party committees and governments at all levels, the survey team of enterprises in Henan Province recently held a number of conferences in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Pingdingshan, Anyang, Among 217 foreign investors and Hong Kong, Maucao-invested enterprises in 12 central cities such as Jiaozuo, Xuchang, Sanmenxia, ​​Nanyang, Zhoukou and Shangqiu, the Company conducted a questionnaire survey on the business environment of enterprises. The survey results show that most enterprises are satisfied with the government’s services in regulating administrative actions, resolving the efficiency of enterprise disputes, improving the investment environment, standardizing market order, and planning and managing economic decision-making capabilities. Henan Province has achieved remarkable results in remediation of its business environment. However, there are still some “four chaos” phenomena in which government departments charge arbitrary fees, fines, apportioned factions and chaotic inspections, and the law enforcement ability and efficiency still need to be further improved. The enterprises The comprehensive improvement and management of the surrounding environment should continue to be strengthened and improved.
路思·本尼狄克特1934年在《文化模式》一书中这样说过:“道德在每一个社会都是不同的,而且它是社会所认可的习惯的适宜术语。”那么,在道德领域存在“普遍真理”吗? Ruth B