3年前一个炎热的夏夜,我和几位钓友结伴去资江中游的柘溪水库夜钓黄刺鼓。钓饵是红蚯蚓,钓竿都是1米长的竹梢。不到一个小时,就钓上来了10多条,虽然每条都只有100克左右,但是,能频频起竿倒也十分有趣。 我在岸边的土坡上共插了三根钓竿,因天黑就没有用浮漂,只用电筒照竿尖,哪根竿尖“点头”,便去提竿,因黄刺鼓咬食凶猛,十拿九稳。到了10时,我右边的那
Three years ago, a hot summer night, I and several fishing friends go hand in hand Zizi Reservoir Zizi night fishing yellow drum. Fishing bait is red earthworms, fishing rods are 1 meter long bamboo shoots. In less than an hour, it caught more than 10 fish, although each is only about 100 grams, but it can also be very fun to get down. I put in the shore of the slope of a total of three fishing rod, dark sky there is no use of floating, only flashlight according to the tip of the pole, which root tip “nod”, then go to mention the pole, Ten steady. By 10 o’clock, that to my right