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山西省社会经济发展综合数据库,是在社会主义市场经济体制要求的统计体系背景下,由山西省统计局研制开发的大型省级统计信息综合管理系统。该系统打破了传统的以统计表形式储存数据的数据管理模式,充分考虑统计资料的特点,基于现代数据库的设计思想,采用以元数据为基本储存元素的数据管理模式,使数据库管理不再完全依赖于使用统计报表,能够充分灵活地适应统计报表制度的改革和不断变化,具有较强的适用性和超前性。 7月中旬,由全国统计科研管理办公室组织的统计科研专家鉴定委员会对山西省社会经济发展综合数据库进行了鉴定。鉴定认为:该数据系统实现了建库工作的创新,数据库建设的思想、框架和机制方面有突破,为统计信息工程建设及开发应用提供了经验,是全国统计系统综合数据库建设中比较成功的模式。该数据库总体技术指标在国家统计系统数据库建设方面处于领先水平。 为了有助于广大统计工作者进一步了解其数据库建设中的更多情况,本期刊载山西省统计局副局长张保关于“山西省社会经济发展综合数据库”建设情况汇报一文(标题为本刊所加),对山西省社会经济发展综合数据库建设的目的、组织措施、数据库概况及特点以及须今后改进的地方等作一简单介绍。 The comprehensive socio-economic development database of Shanxi Province is a large-scale comprehensive provincial statistical information management system developed by Shanxi Provincial Bureau of Statistics under the statistical system required by the socialist market economic system. The system breaks the traditional data management mode of storing data in the form of statistical tables and takes full account of the characteristics of statistical data. Based on the design idea of ​​modern databases, the data management mode based on metadata as the basic storage element is used, so that the database management is no longer completely Rely on the use of statistical reports, be able to fully and flexibly adapt to the reform and changes in the statistical reporting system, with strong applicability and advanced. In mid-July, an appraisal committee of statistics and scientific research experts organized by the National Bureau of Statistics and Scientific Research conducted an appraisal of the comprehensive database of social and economic development in Shanxi Province. The appraisal shows that this data system has realized the innovation of database construction, breakthroughs in the thought, framework and mechanism of database construction, provided the experience for the construction and application of statistical information engineering, and is the more successful mode in the construction of the national statistical system comprehensive database . The overall technical indicator of the database is leading in the construction of the national statistical system database. In order to help the majority of statisticians to understand more about their database construction, this issue contains a report by Zhang Bao, deputy director of Bureau of Statistics of Shanxi Province on the construction of “Comprehensive Database of Social and Economic Development in Shanxi Province” (titled " Plus) to make a brief introduction on the purpose, organizational measures, database overview and characteristics of the comprehensive database for socio-economic development of Shanxi Province, and the places to be improved in the future.
提到门头沟区统计局,就必然要提到女局长──王金荣同志。 十年耕耘,十年收获。从1991年至今,王金荣以她独特的人格魅力、扎实的工作作风、慎密的思维方式和超前的创新理念,带领
【摘 要】在现代城市建设发展中,市政道路的好坏,直接影响着人们的日常生活,而为了通过有限投入创造无限价值,让市政道路使用寿命更加长久,就成为了工程施工方需要重要关注的问题了。故文章就市政道路建设质量管理做一简要分析。  【关键词】市政道路建设;质量管理;施工准备  0.引言  当前,在社会经济发展推动下,我国城市化发展进程也在不断加快,而在城市化发展中市政道路建设有占据着不可忽视的作用。然而,就当