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派出所工作改革的核心是落实民警工作责任制,充分调动民警工作的积极性和创造性,通过强化辖区的防范管理和服务工作,实现“发案少,秩序好,群众满意”的目标。建立科学合理的考核机制,发挥考核工作的导向和激励作用,是确保派出所工作改革顺利进行的重要保障。本文就派出所责任区民警考核工作的基本原则及当前考核工作亟待解决的问题谈几点粗浅意见。一、考核工作的基本原则考核工作是落实民警工作责任制的一个重要手段,只有做到客观公正、科学合理,才能发挥考核工作的导向和激励作用,笔者认为,考核工作必须把握“四性”。一是坚定性。派出所工作改革是一项复杂的系统工程,责任区民警的工作涉及到公安工作的方方面面,量化困难,易受外界环境影响,考核工作难度 The core of the police station reform is to implement the responsibility system for civilian police work, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the civilian police work and to achieve the goal of “fewer cases, good order and satisfying masses” by strengthening the precautionary management and service work in the jurisdiction. Establishing a scientific and reasonable assessment mechanism and giving play to the guiding and encouraging role of assessment work is an important guarantee for ensuring the smooth progress of the work of the police station. This article on the police station area of ​​responsibility for police assessment of the basic principles and the current assessment of the problems to be solved to talk about some superficial opinions. First, the basic principles of assessment work Assessment is the implementation of the work of civilian police responsibility system is an important means, only to be objective and fair, scientific and rational assessment of the work to play a guiding and motivating role, I believe that the assessment must grasp the “four ”. First, firm. The police station reform is a complicated systematic project. The work of the police station in the area of ​​responsibility involves all aspects of public security work, with difficulties in quantification, vulnerability to the external environment and difficulties in assessment work
回顾性研究59例自发性脑室内出血,发现高血压病是继发性脑室内出血最常见的原因.多数出血是由基底节区破入探索新的治疗措施。 A retrospective study of 59 cases of spontan
探讨脑梗塞不同严重程度时血浆中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及其丙二醛(MDA)变化的临床意义。对1997年4月至11月我院神经内科住院的43例患者进行了测定观察,现分析报告如下。 资料
人物张飞——巡检官。张千——衙役。陶氏——钱员外之正室。李氏——钱员外之侧室。小桔——钱员外之子。 People Zhang Fei - inspection officer. Zhang Qian - runners