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格达活佛是四川省甘孜藏族自治州甘孜县白利寺活佛,著名爱国人士。由于深受党的民族宗教政策的感召,红军长征时期,格达活佛以自己的地位和影响,积极宣传党和红军的政策和宗旨,组织僧俗群众筹粮筹款,为党和红军做了许多有意义的工作。 Geda Living Buddha is a Living Buddha of Baili Temple in Ganzi County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, a famous patriotic person. Because of being deeply inspired by the party’s national and religious policies, during the long march of the Red Army, Living Buddha of Geda actively advocated the policies and purposes of the party and the Red Army and organized the monks and lay people to raise funds for food and raise funds for the party and the Red Army by their own status and influence Meaningful work.
当前企业培训中存在的主要问题是: 1、重职后培训,轻职前培训。不少企业在用工方面尚未很好贯彻“先培训,后就业”的原则,职工队伍的素质先天不足。为使职工适应岗位的需要,
The stability of soil aggregates and the fractal characteristics of four typical land use types(farmland,grassland,woodland,and bare land) in the Jiangjiagou Ra
项 目 名 称建设地点建筑面积/m2层数/层开  发  商好望角住宅北京朝阳望京5700012~16中建一局房地产开发公司中国银行石家庄分行中心支行营业办公用房石家庄市新华东路
《实用算术》是遵循“教育必须为社会主义建设服务,社会主义建设必须依靠教育”的指导思想,根据思想性、科学性、实用性、速成性的原则编写的。一、教材特点 1.教材在内容的
Reading Text Control of Nasal Resistance In the normal subject,nasal resistance to air flowis primarily regulated by the sympathetic nervous system,as sympathe