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我县部分药农用湿松木下种茯苓,经过多年实践,湿松木与干松木接种的茯苓,产量、质量无甚相差。现将其方法和要点介绍如下: 1.松木可于接种前10~15天砍伐,砍伐后留下树枝树梢,以利水分蒸发,然后按一、三、五单方削皮留筋,以排除松脂。 2.接种可在剃枝、截断的同时进行,筒长约80cm。 3.苓场土层要求深挖,筒木排放不可过深,应做到深挖浅种。接种后覆土厚度以7~10cm为好。 4.如采用窖栽法,每窖应选用湿筒木40~45kg,相当于干筒木20~30kg,以确保每窖内有足够的养分。 5.湿筒木接种量也应比干筒木接种量相应地增加些,以500g、罐头瓶装量计(木片种),1瓶菌种可下种两个干筒木窖,而湿筒木是2瓶菌种下三个苓窖。 Some medicine farmers in our county under the kind of wet pine seed Poria, after many years of practice, wet pine and dry pine inoculation of Poria, yield, quality no difference. Now the methods and main points are introduced as follows: 1. Pine can be harvested 10 to 15 days before inoculation. After deforestation, the branches of the branches are left to facilitate the evaporation of water, then one, three, Rosin. 2. Inoculation can be cut at the same time, cut off at the same time, the tube length of about 80cm. 3. Ling field soil deep digging, wood tube can not be too deep, should be deep dig shallow kind. The thickness of soil cover after inoculation is preferably 7-10 cm. 4. If using cellar planting method, each pit should be used wet wood 40 ~ 45kg, the equivalent of dry wood 20 ~ 30kg, to ensure that each pit has enough nutrients. 5. Wet tube of wood inoculation amount should be increased accordingly dry wood inoculation amount to 500g, canned bottling gauge (wood species), 1 bottle of bacteria can be planted two dry wood cellar, and wet tube wood Is 2 bottles of bacteria under the three Ling cellar.
Np和Pu为重要的核工业产品,分离回收利用具有重要的意义。有关草酸体系中Np-Pu 的报道比较少。研究草酸体系中的Np-Pu分离,为完善TRPO的后续流程和在核燃料后处理的 诸多领域具
根据VCD视盘机的工作特点,分析了VCD视盘机干扰产生的原因、测量方法和减小干扰的对策 According to the working characteristics of the VCD player, this paper analyzes the ca