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2009年,新疆图书馆学会将努力贯彻党和国家面对国际、国内困难条件下所作出的新的重要战略、决策精神,进一步学习、落实科学发展观,抓住机遇,增强信心,不断推进我区图书馆事业的协调、科学和可持续发展,扩大与提高学会的影响力,充分发挥学会的职能作用,使学会真正成为我区图书馆界学术研究的中心和专业人员的会员之家。今年学会工作的计划如下:一、学术研讨方面:1、召开新疆图书馆学会2009年学术年会,编辑出版学术论文集。2、新疆图书馆学会成立三十周年学术研讨会,编辑出版《新疆图书馆学会30年》3、下半年拟在喀什地区举办“新疆图书馆学会第四届社区、乡镇图书馆论坛”主题是:图 In 2009, Xinjiang Institute of Library and Information Science will strive to implement the new important strategies and decision-making spirit made by the party and the state in the face of international and domestic difficulties, further study and implement the scientific concept of development, seize opportunities, enhance confidence and continuously promote me The coordination, scientific and sustainable development of the district library undertaking, expanding and enhancing the influence of the Institute, giving full play to the function of the Institute, making the Institute truly become a member of the academic research center and professional members of the library community in our district. This year’s work plan is as follows: First, the academic seminars: 1, held in Xinjiang Institute of Library Science Annual Conference 2009, edited and published academic proceedings. 2, Xinjiang Library Association thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of academic seminars, editing and publishing “Xinjiang Library Association 30 years” 3, the second half to be held in Kashgar Prefecture, "Xinjiang Library Association fourth community, township library forum Theme is: Figure
目的探讨血清降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)及C反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)、WBC在老年细菌性肺炎诊断中的价值。方法选择2015年1—7月收治的老年社区获得性肺炎患者162
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山西省科学技术情报研究所成立于1959年,隶属于山西省科学技术厅,是全省综合性科技情报研究中心。其主要工作任务是围绕全省科技创新 Shanxi Science and Technology Inform
扎哈·哈迪德设计的Heydar Aliyev中心,是阿塞拜疆城市巴库的一个新的标志性建筑,建筑面积57 519m2,占地面积111 292m2。它具有流畅的起伏状曲面外形,内部包括图书馆、博物馆