(一) 《新民丛报》是梁启超从事编辑生涯后主编的第三种杂志,一出版立刻风行海内外,常常再版和被翻印,一般销数均在一万份左右(这在1902年是一个了不起的发行数),好评如潮。且看梁启超自己的估价: “自是启超复专以宣传为业,为《新民丛报》、《新小说》等诸杂志,畅其旨义,国人竞喜读之,清廷虽严禁不能遏。每一册出,内地翻刻本辄十数。二十年来学子之思想,颇蒙其影响。”(《清代学术概论》)这里,梁启超并没有自吹自夸,事情确实如此。
(1) Xinmin Cong Bao is the third magazine edited by Liang Qichao after his career as an editor. It is popular immediately at home and abroad, and is often reprinted and reprinted. The sales volume is generally around 10,000 (which was 1902 Great release number), rave reviews. Look at Liang Qichao’s own appraisal: “Since Qiju Complex is dedicated to promoting propaganda, it is a magazine for Xinmin Communique and a new novel. Every book is published in the Mainland and the number of engravings is never more than ten. ”The thinking of the students in the past two decades has been quite affected by it." Here, Liang Qichao did not boast and boasted that this was indeed the case.