
来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s1u2n3cn
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“五一”前夕,甘肃省邮政公司喜获全国“五一劳动奖状”和甘肃省“五一劳动奖状”,这一消息让公司上上下下异常欣慰。成绩离不开省公司党组领导的正确决策,离不开全省干部职工的无悔付出。八年前,甘肃邮政独立运营之初,全省14个市州局和69个县局全部是支差单位,企业负债率高,比例高达70%的农村局所几乎全面亏损,邮政投入少、基础差、运营资金不足的矛盾非常突出。面临如此严峻的形势,当时的省邮政局党组审时度势,坚持以科学发展观为统领,发展上解放思想创新思路,经营上开拓市场效益为先,管理上创新理念从严治局,服务上拓展领域满足需求,改革上顺时应势稳步推进。经过八年多的励精图治,全省邮政收入规模由分营前的3.22亿元增加到6.71亿元,比1998年翻了一番多,年均增幅9.6%;收支差额由1998年的-5.2亿元下降到-2.0亿元;人均业务收入从2.28万元提高到5.58万元。 On May 1, on the eve of the “May Day”, the postal company of Gansu Province was awarded the “May 1st Labor Certificate of Merit” and the “May Day Labor Certificate of Merit” in Gansu Province. The news made the company extremely gratifying. Achievements can not be separated from the correct decision-making leadership of the provincial party leaders, can not be separated from the province’s cadres and workers regretted to pay. Eight years ago, when Gansu Post started its independent operation, all 14 cities and prefectures in the province and 69 county bureaus were all deficit units. The rural enterprises with a high debt ratio and as high as 70% Poor, the contradiction between the lack of operating funds is very prominent. Faced with such a severe situation, the party branch of the provincial postal administration at the time reviewed the situation and insisted on using the scientific concept of development as the guideline, developing innovative ideas for emancipating the mind, pioneering market efficiency in management, strictly managing innovative ideas and satisfying areas in service expansion Needs, the reform on the timely application of potential steady progress. After more than eight years of good governance, the province’s postal service revenue increased from 322 million yuan before the sub-camp to 671 million yuan, more than double that of 1998, with an average annual increase of 9.6%. The difference between receipts and payments increased from -5.2 in 1998 100 million yuan dropped to -2 billion yuan; per capita business income increased from 22,800 yuan to 55,800 yuan.
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