Assessment of Prospecting Potentiality for Superlarge Continental Volcanic Rock-Type Uranium Dep

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq147662
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The superlarge continental volcanic rock|type uranium deposits, which were discovered abroad long ago, have not yet been reported up to now in China. This is an important problem that needs to be urgently solved by uranium geologists at present. In this paper, on the basis of analyzing the metallogenic settings and geological conditions of the superlarge continental volcanic rock|type uranium deposits discovered in the world along with the metallogenic characteristics of those of the same type in China, the space|time distribution patterns of continental volcanics and the metallogenic potential of main tectono|volcanic belts in China are discussed, and a synthetic conclusion has been drawn that there is a possibility to discover the superlarge continental volcanic rock|type uranium deposits in China. Moreover, it is evidenced that the Ganhang, Nanling, Yanliao, Da Hinggan Ling and other tectono|volcanic belts possess favorable geological conditions for the formation of ssuperlarge ore deposits of the continental volcanic rock type. The intersecting and overlapping locations of the aforementioned main belts with other tectono|volcanic (|intrusive) belts are the most potential areas where the superlarge continental volcanic rock|type uranium deposits would be found. The superlarge continental volcanic rock | type uranium deposits, which were discovered abroad long ago, have not yet been reported up to now in China. This is an important problem that needs to be urgentntly solved by uranium geologists at present. In this paper , on the basis of analyzing the metallogenic settings and geological conditions of the superlarge continental volcanic rock | type uranium deposits discovered in the world along with the metallogenic characteristics of those of the same type in China, the space | time distribution patterns of continental volcanics and the metallogenic potential of main tectono | volcanic belts in China are discussed, and a synthetic conclusion has been drawn that there is a may to discover the superlarge continental volcanic rock | type uranium deposits in China. Furthermore, it is evidenced that the Ganhang, Nanling, Yanliao, Da Hinggan Ling and other tectono | volcanic belts have favorable geological conditions for the formation of ssup erlarge ore deposits of the continental volcanic rock type. The intersecting and overlapping locations of the dispatch main belts with other tectono | volcanic ( | intrusive) belts are the most potential areas where the superlarge continental volcanic rock | type uranium deposits would be found.
天才的作家们写作时都有近乎病态的癖好,有人早起写作,有人彻夜不眠;有人闭门不出,有人沉醉闹市;有人空腹写作,有人需要酒精、咖啡和药物的催化。也正是借由这些“写作仪式”,在持续反复的枯燥生活里,他们的文字生产力才能得以维持下去。  环境怪咖  喜剧大师莫里哀在舞台上滑稽多智,离开舞台却拙于言辞。他的袖筒里经常藏着一个笔记本,他喜欢在公共场所留心偷听别人谈论的话题,将它们记录下来。无独有偶,易卜生为了
那天翟永明感冒、也觉得累,但还是在傍晚时分赶到了酒吧。她坐在酒吧院子的椅子上,看上去有些疲惫。酒吧正在举办纪念王洛宾的音乐活动,主持人说到了她的名字,人群里响起了掌声,还有零星的口哨声。  翟永明站起来朗读了自己的一首诗《终于使我周转不灵》。“既然是纪念王洛宾,得找一首与音乐有关的诗”,她这样想。  她嗓音低沉,词语于夜色中的音乐声里跳跃着,就是一种诗意。  她穿行于人群中,试图照顾到所有人的情绪
目的 探究血清转化生长因子-β1 (TGF-β1)、白细胞介素-34(IL-34)、核转录因子κB(NF-κB)在IgA肾病患者中的表达及其与纤维化的关系.方法 选取2017年1月到2019年11月我院收