Numerical Spectral Model Based on BPMfor Er-doped Waveguide Amplifiers

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chendegeng1234
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A spectral numerical analysis method to analyze the Er-doped waveguide amplifiers(EDWA) in wavelength division multiplexing is presented. This model is based on finite difference beam propagation method modified by Douglas scheme, which can efficiently reduce the truncation error and time consumption. By superposing the Lorentzian function for the experimental curves, the spectral properties of EDWA can be investigated. Results show that the pump efficiency of EDWA pumped at 980nm is higher than that at 1480nm. Meanwhile, by rationally increasing the pump length and the erbium concentration, larger signal gains can be acquired. Taking account of the up-conversion and cross-relaxation effects of cooperation, the spectrum analysis of highly doped EDWA is carried out over a wider frequency band. A spectral numerical analysis method to analyze the Er-doped waveguide amplifiers (EDWA) in wavelength division multiplexing is presented. This model is based on finite difference beam propagation method modified by Douglas scheme, which can efficiently reduce the truncation error and time consumption. By superposing the Lorentzian function for the experimental curves, the spectral properties of EDWA can be investigated. Results show that the pump efficiency of EDWA pumped at 980nm is higher than that at 1480nm. Taking account of the up-conversion and cross-relaxation effects of cooperation, the spectrum analysis of highly doped EDWA is carried out over a wider frequency band.
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