The temperature of the Earth’s surface propagates underground and affects the subsurface temperature profile, which can be measured from boreholes and analyzed to reconstruct past surface temperature changes. Although it has been recognized for a long time that surface temperature changes have an impact on subsurface temperature and heat flow, the borehole temperature profile was widely used in climate change studies only after the 1980s. The drilling climate method is different from other approximations for reconstructing past climate because it is based on the direct physical connection between temperature profile measurements and past climate, ie, surface temperature (GST) and reconstruction parameters. Borehole temperature climatic studies have proven to be able to reconstruct past surface temperature trends and, ultimately, their pre-observed mean (POMs) can be estimated in conjunction with surface temperature sequences. The borehole temperature profile is not a proxy for surface temperature but a direct measure of the energy balance on the Earth’s surface. This underground signal is attenuated very fast by thermal diffusion, thus imposing a physical constraint on the method of extracting past climate change information from subsurface temperature measurements. Describe the basic features and problems of reconstructing GST history from the temperature-depth profiles measured in boreholes.