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A series of FDL filters producedby the Shaanxi Siwei Hi-Science Filter Materials Co. Ltd.,keeps ahead in the world for theirnew technology and outstandingenergy-saving character. Ourreporter made an interview with LuBaomin, vice chairman of the boardand Wei Xiaomei, vice generalmanager of the company, in orderto find out something about the newproduct. Our Reporter: Let me know thegeneral situation of your companyand feature of the products.Wei: Ours is the chainenterprise made up of somecompanies from Beijing, Shandong,Jiangxi and Shaanxi. We hold somepatent technologies. The ShaanxiSiwei Hi-Science Filter Materials Co.Ltd. is only one of them. We deal instudy, design, and production of theseparate filters with high science andtechnology. The “Lushen”-brand FDLis a patent product with character ofenergy-saving and protectingenvironment. The product has beenchecked up by the US Southwest Research Institute. The averagefiltrating efficiency through 16 hoursexamination according to the SAEstandard is 89.24%, which made arecord in the world. The FDL productmakes good use of macromoleculefiber and foliage fiber as its rawmaterials that are dealt with highscientific and technological technics.The precision of filtration can get to0.005mm. The product can prolong1-3 times of the engine life, save theengine oil about 90%, and save thefuel about 3-5%. So other productsof the same kind in the world cannotassimilate with the FDL.Our Reporter: What aboutpredominance in market sale of the“Lushen”? Lu: The “Lushen” can be widelyused in the cleanse devices oflubricant, hydraulic-pressure oil andfuel for auto, ship, tractor, and large-sized machines in the fields ofmetallurgy industry, mine, road-building, machine tools, and others.It can be used for sewerage disposal.According to data, the lubricantused by vehicles in China is aboutfive million tons a year. If the majorityof the vehicles can use the FDL, thenabout three million tons of lubricantcan be saved, amounting to 20 billionyuan (RMB). If the heavy-loadingdiesel trucks in China can use theFDL, then about two million tons ofdiesel can be saved a year, valuingabout 100 billion yuan. A series of FDL filters produced by the Shaanxi Siwei Hi-Science Filter Materials Co. Ltd.,keeps ahead in the world for their new technology and outstandingenergy-saving characters. Our reporter has made an interview with LuBaomin, vice chairman of the board and Wei Xiaomei, vice generalmanager Of the company, in orderto find out something about the new product. Our Reporter: Let me know thegeneral situation of your company and feature of the products.Wei: Ours is the chainenterprise made up of somecompanies from Beijing, Shandong,Jiangxi and Shaanxi. We hold Somepatent technologies. The “Hushen”-brand FDLis a patent product with character ofenergy- Saving and protectingenvironment. The product has been checked up by the US Southwest Research Institute. The averagefiltrating efficiency through 16 hoursexamination according to t He SAEstandard is 89.24%, which made arecord in the world. The FDL productmakes good use of macromoleculefiber and foliage fiber as its rawmaterials that are dealt with highscientific and technological technics.The precision of filtration can get to 0.005mm. The product can prolong1- 3 times of the engine life, save the engine oil about 90%, and save thefuel about 3-5%. So other productsof the same kind in the world cannotassimilate with the FDL.Our Reporter: What aboutpredominance in market sale of the “Lushen” Lu: The “Lushen” can be widelyused in the cleanse devices oflubricant, hydraulic-pressure oil and fuel for auto, ship, tractor, and large-sized machines in the fields ofmetallurgy industry, mine, road-building, machine tools, and others .the can be used for sewerage disposal.According to data, the lubricantused by vehicles in China is aboutfive million tons a year. If the majority of the vehicles can use the FDL, thenabout three million tons of lubricantcan be saved, amounting To 20 billiOnyuan (RMB). If the heavy-loadingdiesel trucks in China can use theFDL, then about two million tons ofdiesel can be saved a year, valuingabout 100 billion yuan.
摘 要 我国在反洗钱方面建立了相关的体系,不过在日常工作中还不能很好的贯彻执行,与国际标准也有一定的距离,这一章在考虑我国情况的基础上,学习国际的先进经验,就如何建立起更加有效的,具有我国鲜明特点的反洗钱监管模式方面,提出了一些政策性建议。  关键词 金融业 反洗钱 监管  一、金融业反洗钱的监管现状  (一)没有建立起独立的、专门的反洗钱机构  反洗钱工作不是一个部门就能够独立完成的简单工作,它
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本文从作者的英语教学实践出发 ,在研究《大学英语》 (精读 )第一至四册中的课文与阅读技巧的基础上 ,就如何教授大学生阅读技巧、提高阅读理解力 ,归纳了一些方法 Based on