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“企业管理基本上应是人的教育与训练,而不是指导与管制。”这是发达国家几百年来从事企业经营管理的可贵经验总结。而日益向市场经济下的现代企业制度推进的王府井百货大楼,其企业管理的基础,也正是建立在这一点上的。董事长郭传周说:“把职工当主人,主要的一条是为职工创造学习机会;提高‘主人’的素质,这是企业发展的‘希望工程”。多少年来,他们已形成了这样的管理定势:以人本素质的开发作为企业的“生长线”,以人本素质的不断升级换代带动企业素质的升级换代,以企业素质的升级换代带动整个企业的发展与腾飞。这实质上乃王府井人的根本发展战略座标系。所谓人本素质,指的是人的价值体系,以及与此相联系的道德情操,人格品位,行为规范等等。至于象思维认知能力、判断与选择能力、创造能力、实际操作和专业技能等等,则为人本素质导向下的人 “Business management should basically be people’s education and training, not guidance and control.” This is a valuable experience summed up by the developed countries in the management of enterprises for hundreds of years. At the same time, Wangfujing Department Store, which is increasingly pushing forward with the modern enterprise system in a market economy, is the foundation of its business management. Guo Chuanzhou, chairman said: “The workers as masters, the main one is to create learning opportunities for workers; improve the quality of the ’masters’, which is the development of enterprises ’Hope Project.’ Over the years, they have formed such a management trend: the development of human-oriented quality as the enterprise’s ”growth line" to upgrade the quality of people’s quality driven by the upgrading of the quality of enterprises to upgrade the quality of the enterprise led the entire Business development and take off. This is essentially Wangfujing people’s fundamental development strategy coordinate system. The so-called human nature, refers to the human value system, as well as the moral sentiments associated with this, personality grade, code of conduct and so on. As for the cognitive ability of thinking like thinking, judging and selecting ability, creating ability, practical operation and professional skills, etc., people oriented
阅读能力是语文综合水平的体现,是学生朗读、理解、分析等多种能力的综合运用。提高学生的阅读能力,有助于语文水平的提高,对培养学生多种能力、发展思维起着重要作用。 Rea
上海跃龙有色金属有限公司现有职工1600余人,93年工业总产值2.36亿,能耗18416.67吨标煤,属市用能大户之一。 Shanghai Yuelong Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. more than 1,6
为了探讨葡多酚( G P C) 对肿瘤放射治疗的协同作用,将荷 S180 肉瘤小鼠分别给予60 Coγ射线局部照射、口服 G P C 和局部照射加口服 G P C 等不同方法处理,接种瘤细胞后第12 天,检测动物的瘤重,血白细