
来源 :吉林人大 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggep123
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陈鹏作为市、区两级人大代表,他时时关注全市大事,经常听取群众意见,积极反映群众呼声。早在陈鹏当市十届人大代表期间,他就以善提建议而闻名。当时地处市区繁华地段的上海路铁路道口在上下班时间经常发生人车堵塞现象,交通事故也时有发生,给人们的工作和生活带来许多不便,群众反响强烈。为此,陈鹏多次深入工厂、机关、学校、铁路搬道房了解过往行人和车辆数量以及交通事故情况。在近一个月的时间里,他掌握了大量的第一手情况。在和组内的其他代表研究提出解决方案,并多次进行修改后,他分别在吉林市第十届人大二次、三次会议上提出了《关于在上海路铁道口修建公铁立交桥的议案》。市政府领导非常重视这个议案,召开专门会议,认真研究落实。经过多方努力,筹集资金190万元,在上海路铁路 As a deputies to the NPC at the municipal and district levels, Chen Peng always pays attention to major events in the city and often hears the opinions of the masses and actively reflects the masses’ voices. As early as Chen Peng was the 10th National People’s Congress, he was famous for his advice. At that time, the intersection of Shanghai Road and the intersection of the Shanghai Road at the bustling downtown area was often jammed with people and vehicles during commuting hours. Traffic accidents also occurred from time to time, causing many inconveniences to people’s work and life. The public reacted strongly. To this end, Chen Peng repeatedly in-depth factories, offices, schools, railroads to understand the past, the number of pedestrians and vehicles and traffic accidents. In nearly a month, he has mastered a large number of first-hand situations. After studying and putting forward solutions to the other representatives in the group and repeatedly making amendments, he proposed the “Proposal on the Construction of the Railroad Overpass at the Railroad Crossing of Shanghai Road” at the Second and Third Meetings of the Tenth National People’s Congress of Jilin City respectively. . The municipal government leaders attach great importance to this motion, convened a special meeting to seriously study and implement. After various efforts to raise funds 1.9 million yuan, in Shanghai Road Railway
对于汽车来说,千匹绝对已经是个耸人听闻的数字了,在未见到它之前想像它会是何等气势。但并未想到,见到之后觉得它是那么的低调且平易近人。要想将一台引擎输出做到1 000hp的
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一年一度的职工小型运动会于日前降下了帷幕。这次小型运动会共设置了篮球、乒乓球、爬山、跑步机、综合健身器、飞镖、射击、跳绳、4 0 0米跑 9个项目 ,全行职工以饱满的热