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点评这是一是构图十分独特、十分大胆的作品。作者把两张照片组合在一起,描述了“岁月的记忆”。是啊,过去的记忆已经留在脑后,随岁月流逝……从老太太苍老的脸上可以使人联想到,她过去的岁月是那么坎坷、那么艰辛、那么不平凡。那丝丝白发、那层层皱纹,都描绘着曲折苍桑的人生。作品用光技法老练、成熟.把“岁月的记忆”聚集在脸上。一幅构思、取景、创意都为独特的作品。流水、青石拱桥和洗衣的村妇,勾画出一种浓郁的村镇生活气息。前景、后景安排合理,动静相宜,让人赏心悦目。点评作者抓住了小鼓手起跳的一瞬间。在摄影技法上又进行了动态爆炸式处理,使主题更加集中突出。在曝光和色彩处理方面表达也不错。不足的是小花的脸部表情显得不十分自然。这是一幅充满着地方神秘色彩的纪实作品。作者很好地运用了长焦镜头,拍摄出了分发圣水的热烈大场面,有虚有实,虚实结合。准确地表达了虔诚信徒对圣水的“渴望”。可惜的是作品主角喇嘛表情太使人“失望”,没有任何“圣者”之形象。我看过很多舞龙的作品,一般的舞龙活动都是在广场。有白天也有夜晚,而今天看到的飞龙却别有洞天。高高耸立的竹海,直刺云天,金龙飞舞在竹海间。作品动静相宜,色彩夺目,给人以美的享受。如果拍摄的瞬问把龙头定格朝前或朝上方,瞬间形象将更完美。 Comments This is a composition is very unique, very bold work. The author combines the two pictures and describes the “memory of years.” Yes ah, past memories have been left behind, with the passage of time ... From the old lady’s old face can be reminded of her past years is so frustrating, so difficult, so extraordinary. That silky white hair, layers of wrinkles, all depicting the tortuous Cangsang life. The technique of light is sophisticated and mature, bringing “the memory of time” to the face. A concept, viewfinder, creativity are unique works. Water, stone arch bridge and laundry village women, outlined a rich flavor of the village life. Prospects, background arrangements reasonable, appropriate information, people pleasing. Comment on the author caught the moment a small drummer take-off. In the photography techniques on the dynamic explosion treatment, so that the theme is more focused. Expressions in terms of exposure and color processing are also good. Not enough is that the floret’s facial expression does not seem very natural. This is a documentary piece full of local mystery. The author made good use of the telephoto lens, shooting out the scene of holy water distribution, there are virtual reality, the actual situation. Accurately expressed devout followers of holy water’s “desire.” It is a pity that the protagonist Lamas’ expressions are too disappointing and do not have any “saints” image. I have seen a lot of dragon dance works, the general dragon dance activities are in the square. There are also nighttime during the day, but today the dragon is quite different. Standing tall bamboo sea, piercing sky, dragon flying in bamboo sea. Works appropriate, dazzling, giving the United States to enjoy. If you shoot the moment asked the leading freeze-frame forward or upward, the moment the image will be more perfect.
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