
来源 :贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:up2hyolee
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通过对贵州城镇土地市场特征和地价影响机制的分析,指出贵州城镇土地出让价格受非经济因素的影响,不能体现土地的真实收益水平.城镇土地总供给量,城镇区位条件,用地限制,人口总量,经济发展水平是影响城镇地价的主要因素.盘活存量,严格控制增量,提高土地利用率和产出水平,减少行政干预,促进城镇土地市场健康发展.“,”Through the analysis of the characteristics of the uban land market in Guizhou and affecter factors to the land rent,the paper points out that the price of land in urban areas of Guizhou cannot embody the real benefit levels of the land for being affected by non-economic reasons.The main factors to influence the urban land price are ;the total supply amount,the location,the limied utilization, the population and the economic developing level.As a conclusion, the paper puts forward the oppinions as the below:to utilize the existing urban land,to control the increacing amount,to improve the utilization level and the output,and to reduce administrative interposition and that will improve the development of urban land market.
以实际工程三层砖混结构教学楼为例,对砌体结构托换改造设计与施工进行了初步有益的探索.“,”Taking ar example of reform corsfrnctcon of a 3-story brick-cor crete-str
就空气中花粉污染的危害状况,花粉污染概念的产生,花粉污染原植物,花粉污染的影响因素,评价方法等进行了论述,并提出了花粉污染的防治措施“,”This article shows you a pic
息烽磷矿是黔中元古代震旦纪陡山沱期磷块岩矿床的重要组成部分.矿层厚而稳定,品位高、露采.在野外勘探工作的基础上着重探讨磷块岩的富集成矿规律.“,”The phosphorus rese
该文着重分析了郓城旅游资源现状并对其特色进行了评价,在此基础上提出了资源开发利用的具体设想.“,”STARTING WITH THE PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE TOURIST RESOURCES IN