
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:licarson
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我局是一九八四年六月一日由原铁道兵二师集体改编组成的大型铁路施工企业。兵改工前,我们是军队生产型单位,担负战时铁路保障及和平时期国内铁路建设任务,执行的是国家指令性计划,实行的是党委集体领导下的军政首长分工负责制,遵守的是军队管理的条例、条令、享受的是军队供给制。兵改工后,把我局推到了企业的位置。为了实行企业化经营,使我局成为自主经营、自主管理、自负盈亏、自我改造和发展的,相对独立的社会主义商品生产者和经营者,我们围绕转变企业经营机制,进行了一系列深化配套改革。经过五年努力,初步实现了由军队生产型向生产经营型的转变,明显出现了以下十个方面的变化。(一)、企业经营思想从封闭型向开放型转变。几十年的军队化管理,使我们与市场完全隔离,只是计划的被动执行者,是单纯生产型。改工初期,企业的市场经营观念空白。一九八四年,党的十二届三中全会作出了《关于 The Bureau is a large-scale railway construction enterprise composed of the original reorganization of the Second Railways Corps on June 1st, 1984. Prior to the reorganization of the military, we were the military production-type units, responsible for the wartime railway protection and domestic railway construction tasks in peacetime. We implemented the national directive plan, and implemented the division of labor and administrative responsibilities under the collective leadership of the party committee. The regulations, rules, and enjoyment of military management are the military supply system. After the soldiers changed their jobs, they pushed our bureau to the position of the company. In order to implement enterprise-oriented management, the Bureau has become a relatively independent socialist producer and manager of self-operating, self-managed, self-financing, self-reforming and development. We have carried out a series of deepening support around the transformation of the enterprise operating mechanism. reform. After five years of hard work, the transition from the military production to the production and operation type has been initially achieved, and the following ten changes have clearly occurred. (1) The business thinking of a company has changed from closed to open. Decades of military management have completely separated us from the market. They are only passive implementers of the plan and are purely production-oriented. In the early days of the work, the company’s market operation concept was blank. In 1984, the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth CPC Central Committee issued a
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