围绕铁路建设 发展麻城经济

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京九大动脉的兴建为麻城经济的发展带来了千载难逢的历史性机遇。因此,有必要抓住机遇,强化利用意识,提出围绕铁路建设,加快发展麻城经济的构想。 一、围绕铁路建设,发展相关服务产业。 京九铁路阜九段在麻城地段总投资10.6亿元,建设期间有4亿元资金将在麻城消化,这是带动麻城相关服务产业发展的一次难得机遇。 (一)大力开发利用沙石资源。麻城举水、巴水两大水系,沙质纯洁,中粗沙占多数,其中仅举水水系年可开采黄沙500万立方以上。近期每年围绕铁路建设销售100万立方,则年可创收2000万元左右。 关于石料的开发利用,近期要围绕铁路建设合理布局建立碎石开采场;远期要围绕铁路贯通,变现在的卖料为主转向以深加工为主。麻城花岗岩、大理石,不仅贮量大,且花 The construction of the Beijing-Kowloon artery brought unprecedented historic opportunities for Macheng’s economic development. Therefore, it is necessary to seize the opportunity to strengthen the awareness of the use of construction, put forward the idea of ​​accelerating the development of Macheng economy around the railway construction. First, around the railway construction, development of related service industries. Fu Kowloon Beijing-Kowloon Railway Section in Macheng a total investment of 1.06 billion yuan, 400 million yuan during the construction of funds will be digested in Macheng, Maca City, which is to promote the development of related service industries a rare opportunity. (A) to develop and use of sand resources. Macheng water, Pakistani two major water systems, pure sand, coarse sand accounted for the majority, of which only the water system can be reclaimed over 5 million cubic meters of sand. The recent annual construction of 1 million cubic meters around the railway construction, the annual income of 20 million yuan. On the development and utilization of stone, the recent construction of gravel around the rational layout of the railway construction should be established; the future should focus on the railway through, become the main selling now mainly to deep processing. Macheng granite, marble, not only large storage, and flowers
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