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从中国市场来看,CRM 行业这几年走 过的路并不顺,从2000年以来,全球 CRM 行业经历了3年时间的负增长。但是经历 了很多曲折后,2005年的 CRM 市场将会 有不同的景色。 按 CCID 的预测,未来5年中国 CRM 软件市场的平均增长率为44.6%,预计 2005年销售额可达4.39亿元。但其中重要 的是中小企业的市场。 “在制造型企业中,CRM 的作用是沟 通客户间的所用活动,保持亲密的接触”。 制造业通过实施 CRM 加强企业的销售过 程控制,促进销售管理正规化,提高客户服 务水平和满意度,最终提高公司的利润水 平和市场份额。尽管众多的公司投入了大 量的资金和人力来实施客户关系管理项 目,可是结果往往是失败或者没有明显的 商业效果,由于组织结构的变化和实施过 程的复杂,失败率仍相当高。 本期邀请了厂商、专家、企业共同探讨 有关 CRM 在制造业中的组织应用、CRM 应用中的失败因素以及 CRM 一些基本理 念;并刊登福田汽车呼叫中心建设案例。 值得企业重视的是,CRM 与企业 CALL CENTER 的结合,能够提供完整的 呼叫中心解决方案,将具有 CRM 理念的呼 叫中心系统预置在一体化平台中,充分调 动同一平台中前后台的互相协调功能,真 正落实客户资源管理(CRM)的市场需求, 为企业建立强大信息支持,实现了先进的 CRM(客户关系管理)理念与先进 CTI 技 术的无缝融合。 From the perspective of the Chinese market, the CRM industry has not followed the path of the past few years. Since 2000, the global CRM industry has experienced negative growth for three years. However, after going through a lot of twists and turns, the CRM market in 2005 will have a different view. According to CCID’s forecast, the average growth rate of China’s CRM software market in the next five years will be 44.6%. It is estimated that the sales in 2005 will reach 439 million yuan. But what matters is the market for SMEs. “In manufacturing enterprises, the role of CRM is to communicate the activities used among clients and to maintain intimate contact.” Manufacturing industry through the implementation of CRM to strengthen the control of the sales process, and promote sales management regularization, improve customer service and satisfaction, and ultimately improve the company’s profit level and market share. Although many companies invest significant amounts of money and manpower to implement CRM projects, the results often fail or have no obvious commercial effect. Due to the changes in the organizational structure and the complicated implementation process, the failure rate is still quite high. This issue invited manufacturers, experts and enterprises to jointly discuss the application of CRM in the manufacturing organization, the failure of CRM applications and some of CRM’s basic concepts; and publish the case of Foton Auto Call Center. Worthy of business is valued, CRM and enterprise CALL CENTER combination, can provide a complete call center solutions, call center system with CRM concept preset in the integration platform, and fully mobilize the same platform before and after the coordination function of the platform , Truly implement the market demand of customer resource management (CRM), establish strong information support for the enterprise, and realize the seamless integration of advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) concept and advanced CTI technology.
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