中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记俞正声到浦东调研时指出:合力推进浦东综合配套改革 当好全国改革开放的排头兵

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4月10日浦东开发开放即将迎来18周年之际,中共中央政治局委员、市委书记俞正声,市委副书记、市长韩正到浦东新区调研。俞正声指出,浦东是上海改革开放的前沿阵地,是上海改革开放的旗帜,我们要进一步解放思想,振奋精神,敢闯敢试,围绕促进发展这个核心,形成合力,全力推进浦东综合配套改革,继续当好全国改革开放的排头兵。 On April 10, when Pudong Development and Opening Up is about to mark its 18th anniversary, Yu Zhengsheng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Central Committee, and Han Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor of the CPC, went to Pudong New Area for investigation. Yu Zhengsheng pointed out that Pudong is the forefront position of Shanghai’s reform and opening up and is the banner of Shanghai’s reform and opening up. We must further emancipate the mind, boost our spirits, dare to break through the dare and try our best to focus on promoting development and work together to promote Pudong comprehensive supporting reforms and continue Be a vanguard of the national reform and opening up.
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