我是十分赞赏绘画革新的,但我认为这种创新要有根基,要掌握创新中的“度”。做到有的放矢,适可而止。下面谈谈我个人的几点见解: 一、“度”是界定画种的标尺 大家都知道,水加温到沸点100℃会沸腾,如果继续加温,沸腾的水将不断地蒸发,变成水蒸气,也就是说由液体变成了气体。同样,水温降至0℃将冻结成冰,也就是以液体变成了固体,水从液体到气体的物态转化,是因为温度上升到了100℃的原故。而水从液体转化为固体,也是因为温度下降到0℃的原故。这个100℃和0℃就是水的相变临界点。临界点的超越,水就不能称之为“水”,而称之为“水蒸气”和“冰”。水、水蒸气、冰是三种不同的物质形态,它们各有其特征,不能混为一谈。
I very much appreciate painting innovation, but I think this kind of innovation should have a foundation and grasp the “degree” of innovation. Be targeted, not enough. Let me talk about my personal point of view: First, the “degree” is to define the scale of painting As we all know, the water heated to the boiling point of 100 ℃ will boil, if continue to heat, boiling water will continue to evaporate into Water vapor, that is to say, from liquid to gas. Similarly, the water temperature dropped to 0 ° C will be frozen into ice, that is, the liquid into a solid, water from liquid to gas state conversion, because the temperature rose to 100 ℃ of the reason. The water from the liquid into a solid, but also because the temperature dropped to 0 ℃ of the reason. This 100 ℃ and 0 ℃ is the critical point of water phase transition. Beyond the critical point, the water can not be called “water”, which is called “water vapor” and “ice.” Water, water vapor, ice are three different physical forms, they have their own characteristics, can not be confused.