
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winston69
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近十几年来,涉及到文物方面的犯罪案件呈大幅度上升的趋势。因而认真地研究文物案件(注:本文把盗窃、贩运和走私文物的案件简称为“文物案件”)的新特点和新规律,探索和制定相适应的侦察对策,已成为刑事侦察部门亟待解决的重要课题。现仅就侦察此类案件的具体指导思想谈一些初步看法。新形势下文物案件具有的新特点:第一、犯罪行为的系列性。这是新形势下文物案件的主要特点。改革开放以来,随着国际交往的增加,境外的不法分子乘隙而入。他们利用各种身分、手段和渠道在境内大肆非法收购文物,并走私出境。他们的这种活动刺激了国内的一些不法分子的发财欲望。他们将“要想富,挖古墓,一夜成为万元户”遵奉为信条,疯狂地进行盗挖古墓和盗窃馆藏和私藏文物的犯罪活动。这样,文物犯罪的阴风由境外而境内,由沿海而内地迅速地蔓延开来。境外的不法分子欲将国内的文物走私出境,必须首先找到“货源”;国内的不法分子在盗窃得手后,又必须找到买主,把赃 In the past decade or so, the number of crimes involving cultural relics has risen sharply. Therefore, serious study of cultural relics cases (Note: this article refers to the theft of, trafficking and smuggling of artifacts referred to as “cultural relic cases”) of the new features and new laws, exploration and development of appropriate reconnaissance measures, the criminal investigation department has become an urgent need Solve the important issue. Just to talk about some of the specific guidelines for the detection of such cases preliminary view. New features of cultural relics under the new situation: First, the nature of criminal behavior. This is the main feature of the cultural relics case in the new situation. Since the reform and opening up, with the increase of international exchanges, criminals outside the territory have taken the opportunity to make inroads. They use various identities, means and channels to unlawfully acquire cultural relics in the territory and smuggle them out of the country. Their activities have stimulated the desire of some criminals in the country to make their fortune. They will “want to get rich and dig ancient tombs, and become overnight million households.” “They obey as creed and are furiously carrying out criminal activities such as carving ancient tombs and theft of their collections and private possessions. In this way, the negative winds of crimes of cultural relics spread rapidly from the coast to the hinterland within borders. Offshore criminals want to smuggle out of the country cultural relics, we must first find ”source "; domestic lawless elements in the theft, but also to find the buyer, the stolen goods
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