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一、施足基肥。越冬菠菜的生育期较长,为了防止脱肥,基肥必须充足。一般可把有机肥和磷、钾肥一次全层深施,而后整地作畦。二、冬前控氮。越冬菠菜越冬前的肥水管理标准在于保证菠菜在越冬前长出4-5片真叶,因为4-5片真叶的菠菜抗寒能力最强,过大或过小都易遭受冻害。所以,如果播期合适,基肥充足,越冬前要适当控制氮肥的施用,以防止秧苗徒长,干物质和糖分积累量减少而遭受冻害;如果播种过晚或地力不 A Shi Shi-based fertilizer. Winter spinach longer growing period, in order to prevent fat, basal fertilizer must be adequate. Generally can be organic fertilizer and phosphorus, potash a full depth of application, and then for soil preparation 畦. Second, pre-winter control of nitrogen. Overwintering spinach before winter fertilizer and water management standards is to ensure that spinach grow before the winter 4-5 true leaves, 4-5 true leaves of spinach strongest cold hardiness, too large or too small are vulnerable to frost damage. Therefore, if the sowing date is appropriate and the base fertilizer is sufficient, the application of nitrogen fertilizer should be properly controlled before winter so as to prevent the growth of the seedlings from freezing, reducing the accumulation of dry matter and sugar. If the sowing is too late or the soil fertility is not high
Background Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) is a rare,life-threatening complication of Kawasaki disease (KD).Early recognition and treatment of MAS are very
鸡腿菇又名毛头鬼伞 ,其形如鸡腿 ,味如鸡丝 ,营养丰富 ,每100克干品中含蛋白质25 4克 ,脂肪3 3克 ,总糖58 8克 ,纤维7 3克 ,灰分12 5克 ,热能值346千卡 ,蛋白质中含20种氨基酸 ,其中8种是人体所必
目的 应用简单易操作的方法将家用型医疗雾化吸入装置改造为实验动物雾化箱,为实验动物呼吸道疾病的研究提供便利.方法 利用家用型雾化器和动物实验室常见的独立通气鼠笼组合
Zhang Jianguo, a shooting champion of Sichuan Province, has never imagined that he would be recorded into the Olympic history as a sculptor. Just before the 200
目的:调查龙氏日常生活能力(LSADL)量表和Barthel量表在深圳市不同级别医疗机构中针对脑卒中患者的生活能力的共性与差异.方法: 2018年9月27日至2020年4月7日期间,以互联网方