
来源 :郑铁科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cairing
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调车作业是铁路运输的基本生产流程,而调车事故占车务系统所有行车事故的半数以上,因此调车作业的安全是确保铁路运输安全的重要环节。本文就目前中间站调车作业存在的问题、影响调车安全的主要因素、调车作业违章的原因进行了分析,并对如何保证中间站调车作业安全提出了相应的想法。 Shunting operations are the basic production processes of railway transportation, and shunting accidents account for more than half of all traffic accidents of the vehicle service system. Therefore, the shunting operation is an important link to ensure the safety of railway transportation. In this paper, the existing problems of shunting at the intermediate station, the main factors affecting the shunting safety and the reasons for the shunting operation violation were analyzed. Corresponding ideas were put forward on how to ensure the shunting operation of the intermediate station.
本文对红外线轴温探测设备方位角的检测进行了分析,并总结出调整方位角的方法。 This paper analyzes the detection of the azimuth of the infrared axis temperature det
1 原实验的不足 如果按人教版七年级《生物学》(下)55页中建议:将透明带贴在载玻片“背后”,画出100个小方格后,再在载玻片“正面”涂上凡士林,最后在显微镜上计数:抽样的五
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
我刊2013年第4期刊登了《为什么是这个柳青——答吴心海先生》一文,吴心海先生在读过此文后给我刊写了一封信,现择其信中重要内容予以刊登。 I published the fourth issue
通过对摘挂列车调车计划编制方法的分析,阐述计算机实现自动编制摘挂列车调车计划的可能性及主要编程思想。 Through the analysis of the preparation method of the shunt
本文主要阐述感应雷对低压电力设备的危害,并结合感应雷的一些特点对变电所自动化系统的潜在雷害提出防护措施。 This paper mainly describes the harm of inductive light