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小平同志在视察南方的谈话中指出:“社会主义的本质是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。”我们建设有中国特色社会主义,就要以小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义的理论,作为我们新时期工作的基本指导思想。 年前,云南省召开关于社会主义本质和所有制结构改革理论讨论会。省委省政府主要领导与来自全省的理论工作者和实际工作者一起,着重研究和讨论了社会主义本质的基本理论、所有制结构改革、大力发展个体和私营经济、推行股份合作制和加速发展乡镇企业、深化国有企业改革等问题。 这次会议开得好。好就好在她结合云南这个实际,有的放矢。边疆、山区、多民族、经济不发达、交通不便、劳动力素质低、生产力落后,是有名的“少、边、穷”地区;全省财政收入名列全国前列,但同时全省近90%的县要吃财政补贴,“僧多粥少”,日子不好过;各种资源相对丰富,水力、矿藏、动、植、药物、旅游等等,正待进一步开发。这就是云南的实际,结合这个实际,就要正确认识云南经济中的有利与不利;结合这个实际,就要认真总结我们工作中的成就与不足;结合这个实际就要进一步解放和发展生产力。小平同志认为,解放和发展生产力,是社会主义的本质属性,是社会主义的根本任务,是判断社会主义改革中是 In his speech inspected in the South, Comrade Xiaoping pointed out: “The essence of socialism is to liberate the productive forces, develop productive forces, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization and eventually achieve common prosperity.” When we build socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must build with Comrade Xiaoping’s The theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics serves as the basic guideline for our work in the new era. Years ago, Yunnan held a seminar on the theory of the nature of socialism and the reform of ownership structure. The key leaders of the provincial party committee and government, together with the theoretical workers and practitioners from all over the province, have focused on studying and discussing the basic theory of the nature of socialism, the reform of the ownership structure, the vigorous development of the individual and private economy, the implementation of the joint-stock cooperation system and the acceleration of development Township enterprises, deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and other issues. This meeting is open. It’s good that she combines the reality of Yunnan, targeted. The border areas, mountainous areas, multi-nationalities, underdeveloped economy, inconvenient transportation, low quality of workforce and backward productive forces are well-known areas of “less, more marginal and poor”; the province’s fiscal revenue is among the highest in the country, but at the same time nearly 90% County to eat financial subsidies, “Seng more porridge less,” the days are not good; all kinds of resources are relatively abundant, hydropower, mineral resources, animals, plants, medicines, tourism, etc., awaiting further development. This is the reality of Yunnan. Combining with this reality, we must correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages of Yunnan’s economy. Combining with this reality, we must conscientiously sum up achievements and deficiencies in our work. Combining with this reality, it is necessary to further liberate and develop the productive forces. Comrade Xiaoping believes that liberating and developing productive forces is the essential attribute of socialism, the fundamental task of socialism, the judgment in the socialist reform
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