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我和张老师相识于北京小提琴教师联谊会成立初期,那时联谊会刚刚成立,可谓万事开头难,需要做的工作很多,会长赵薇教授在会上呼吁大家出主意、想办法,帮助联谊会开展工作,会上很多老教授、专家以及会员们都积极的出谋划策。此时见一位个子不高的老人总是很活跃地参与其中,经会长介绍我记住了他的名字:张应发老师。大家熟知,他原来是中央乐团的演奏员,并担任过首席的职位。记得有一次为了联谊会印制资料,他协助会长到处忙碌联系,一大堆重重的印刷品竟由他一人从一楼一直抱到六楼。当 Professor Zhang and I met at the beginning of the founding of the Beijing Violin Teachers’ Association. At that time, the fellowship was just established. It was difficult for all things to be done at the beginning. There was a lot of work to be done. President Zhao Wei appealed to all of you to come up with ideas and ways to help them. To carry out the work, many veteran professors, experts and members at the meeting all actively give advice and suggestions. At this point to see a tall man is always very active participation, introduced by the president I remember his name: Zhang Yingfa teacher. It is well-known that he was originally a performer of the Central Orchestra and held the top position. I remember one time for the fraternity to print information, he assisted the president busy contact, a lot of heavy print actually he alone from the first floor has been cling to the sixth floor. when
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