地方科技工作的新路子 我们为什么要组织‘金秋家用产品创新大奖赛’

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科技体制改革的目标是要实现科技同经济的密切结合。改革十年来.科技同经济“两张皮”的状况有了很大改变.但是由于种种原因.科技与经济结合进展得还很不理想。近年来,经济秩序的某些紊乱更对科技进步形成了冲击。在这种背景下,有的同志认为科技体制改革是孤军深入,产生了畏难情绪。我们宜昌市科委在市委、市政府领导下、认真地分析形势.振奋精神.深化改革.在促进科技与经济结合的道路上迈出了新的步子.作出了新的尝试.发起组织了“金秋家用产品创新大奖赛”.受到了全国除台湾省外的30个省市的响应.对搞活地方科委工作,保进地方经济振兴.推动“科技兴市”开始产生了积极影响。(详见本期《金秋家用产品创新大奖赛的回顾与展望》一文)我们的体会是: The goal of technological system reform is to achieve the close combination of science and technology with the economy. In the past 10 years of reform, the status of science and technology has been greatly changed with the “two skins” of economy, but for various reasons, progress in combining science and technology with the economy has not been satisfactory. In recent years, some disturbances in the economic order have also brought about an impact on the progress of science and technology. In this context, some comrades think that the reform of the scientific and technological system is permissive and leads to fearfulness. We Yichang City Science and Technology Commission under the leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, seriously analyze the situation.Enjoy the spirit of deepening the reform in the promotion of science and technology and economic integration on the road has taken a new step, and made new attempts to launch the organization of the “ Golden household product innovation Grand Prix. ”It received responses from 30 provinces and cities across the country except Taiwan Province, which had a positive impact on invigorating the work of local science and technology commissions and boosting local economy. (See this issue of “Golden Autumn home product innovation Grand Prix Review and Prospect,” a text) Our experience is:
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