TNM staging update for lung cancer:Why is this important?

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangmingli1213
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Cancer staging characterises the extent of disease facilitating selection of the most appropriate management and therapy and providing prediction of prognosis.As understanding of lung cancer evolves the opportunities arises to adjust disease staging.The adoption of the 7th edition tumour,node,metastasis staging system should result in improved treatment selection and more accurate prognostic information for the individual patient. Cancer staging characterises the extent of disease facilitating selection of the most appropriate management and therapy and providing prediction of prognosis. A understanding of lung cancer evolves the opportunities arises to adjusting disease staging. The adoption of the 7th edition tumor, node, metastasis staging system should result in improved treatment selection and more accurate prognostic information for the individual patient.
由暨南大学汤开建教授撰写的《澳门开埠初期史研究》(中华书局 1999年 11月出版 )一书 ,侧重于对早期澳门问题进行专题与个案研究 ,是了解与研究明代的澳门与早期中葡关系的
甜菜废蜜是甜菜糖厂的副产物,我省每年产量约12万吨。它含糖50~55%(主要为蔗糖),并含有氨基酸、酰胺和少量的有机酸,还含有大量的生长 Beet waste honey is a by-product of
澳门自古以来就是中国的领土。自 1 6世纪以后 ,葡萄牙殖民者开始一步步侵占澳门。1 887年 ,通过《中葡友好通商条约》,正式确定了葡萄牙人对澳门的管制及葡人的居留权、贸易
植物名称:甘兰型油菜(Brassica napus L.),品种“川油9号”、“271自交不亲和系”、“奥罗”、“托尔”、“库因塔”、“利戈勒”和“斯塔特”。材料类别:于每天8小时短光照