现距本世纪末还有五年,这五年将是我国实现第二步战略目标,初步建立起社会主义市场经济体制的关键时期。 ——展望未来,国民经济将继续保持持续、快速、健康发展。预计“九五”期间,国民经济和社会发展对交通运输的需求,不仅在数量上持续增长,在质量上不断提高,在结构上也将发生新的变化。 ——整个国民经济将实现从注重经济增长
Five years from the end of this century, these five years will be the crucial period for our country to achieve the strategic goal of the second phase and initially establish the socialist market economic system. Looking to the future, the national economy will continue its sustained, rapid and healthy development. It is estimated that during the Ninth Five-year Plan period, the demand for transportation in the national economy and social development will not only continue to grow in quantity, but also be continuously upgraded in quality and new changes will take place in the structure. The entire national economy will be realized from focusing on economic growth