
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adder2001
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We report a 43-year-old man who presented with a right painful shoulder mass and bilateral lung masses in computed tomography(CT).Scapular mass was excised and pathology report demonstrated high-grade metastatic tumor.Same side lung biopsy and histopathological study characterized tuberculosis but biopsy of the left lung lesion identified adenocarcinoma of the lung.The final diagnosis was right scapular metastatic lesion from left lung adenocarcinoma.Musculoskeletal symptoms are commonly encountered in lung malignancies due to paraneoplastic syndrome or hematogenous metastasis but scapular metastasis on the other side as the presentation of lung cancer is extremely rare. We report a 43-year-old man who presented with a right painful shoulder mass and bilateral lung masses in computed tomography (CT). Scapular mass was excised and pathology report demonstrated high-grade metastatic tumor. Same side lung biopsy and histopathological studies characterized tuberculosis but biopsy of the left lung lesion identified adenocarcinoma of the lung the final diagnosis was right scapular metastatic lesion from left lung adenocarcinoma. Muscle microskeletal symptoms are commonly encountered in lung malignancies due to paraneoplastic syndrome or hematogenous metastasis but scapular metastasis on the other side as the presentation of lung cancer is extremely rare.
在一些文艺团体为了生存,而片面追求经济效益的情况下,武汉歌舞剧院交响乐团毅然作出决定,赴荆州监狱义演。这是一次非同寻常的演出啊! 演出的大幕拉开后,台下是坐得整整齐
深吸气挺起胸膛,深深地尽全力吸足一口气,然后憋住,不要呼气。直到实在憋不住了再呼出来,这时候,打嗝一般会停止。呼气找一只不漏气的塑料 Take a deep breath and straight
本文分析了混凝土裂缝产生的原因,简叙了目前混凝土养护的现状,早期混凝土养护的重要性,及时充分的对混凝土进行湿养护和二次抹压的重要性,提出了混凝土裂缝防治对策。 This