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6月30日下午,媒体通报了中央军委原副主席徐才厚被开除党籍并移送军事检察机关的消息。徐才厚成为中共十八大后落马的首位原中央政治局委员,他也是继苏荣之后,十八大后落马的第二名副国级官员。徐才厚,1943年6月生,辽宁瓦房店人,1971年4月加入中国共产党,1963年8月入伍,哈尔滨军事工程学院电子工程系毕业,大学学历。上将军衔。曾任解放军报社社长、济南军区政委、总政主 On the afternoon of June 30, the media briefed the news that Xu Caihou, former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, was expelled from the party and transferred to the military prosecutorial organ. Xu Caihou became the first member of the former Central Political Bureau to plunge and fall after the 18th CPC National Congress. He is also the second deputy state official to be dropped after the 18th Congress following Su Rong. Xu Caihou, born in June 1943, born in Wafangdian, Liaoning Province, joined the Chinese Communist Party in April 1971 and joined the army in August 1963. He graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Harbin Military Institute of Technology with a university degree. General rank. Served as the People’s Liberation Army newspaper president, political commissar of Jinan Military Region, the chief political commissar
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