创新模式促民生 扎根基层谋发展——记第十五届“重庆青年五四奖章”获得者万祖齐

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5月4日晚,重庆江南体育馆内人声鼎沸,喜气洋洋,沉浸在浓浓的节日气氛中,“青春别样红”暨“重庆青年五四奖章”表彰大会正在这里隆重举行,作为重庆市金融系统唯一的“重庆青年五四奖章”获得者,邮储银行巴南支行的万祖齐行长更是心潮澎湃,在接受中共中央政治局委员、市委书记薄熙来,市长黄奇帆,市人大常委会主任陈光国等市领导亲切接见时,他再三表示,一定要在以后的工作中更加努力,再创新功。获悉万祖齐行长获得“重庆青年五四奖章”的消息后,本刊记者来到了巴南支行,对这位刚刚荣获殊荣的行长进行了了采访。创新组织模式发展农村金融与万行长交谈,不由就说起了“信用村”建设的事情。回想起当时巴南区刚开始建设“信用村”时的情景,万祖齐认为,这种新的模式既是一种新的挑战,也是一个发展业务和服务“三农”的契机。2008年12月22日,邮储银行重庆分行与巴南区政府在巴南启动了绿色“信用村”建设工程。他结合工作实际,在坚持打造邮储银行特色的同时,确立了政府与银行密切合作的新型模式。巴南区支行与巴南区区政府制定了《信用村贷款贴息管理办法(试行)》,由巴南区政府财政拿出专项资金,对信用记录较好、按时还款的用户进行5%的贴息。邮储银行调查村级(社区)农户/商户经济状况和需求,开发适合用户需求的业务,逐户考察,确定授信额度,建立农户/商户信用信息库,逐步让商业银行的管理模式充分地融入到农民的生产生活中。在执行总行信贷优惠政策的同时,对农户还款期限由原来的8个月延长到10个月,推出“11-1”的优惠政策,并两次下 The evening of May 4, Chongqing Jiangnan Gymnasium crowded, beaming, immersed in a thick atmosphere of the festivals, “Youth Different Sample Red ” and “Chongqing Youth May Fourth Medal ” commendation ceremony is being held here, As the only “Chongqing Youth May Fourth Medal” winner of Chongqing’s financial system, Governor Wan Zuqi of Bannan Branch of the Postal Savings Bank is even more excited. After receiving the invitation of Bo Xilai, member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Mayor Huang Qifan, Municipal People’s Congress Chairman Chen Guangguo and other city leaders cordially interviewed, he repeatedly said that we must work harder in the future, to create new work. Upon hearing of the news that Governor Wan Zuqi won the “Chongqing Youth May Fourth Medal”, the reporter came to the Banan branch to interview the president who has just won the award. Innovative organizational model Development of rural finance talk with Wan Governor, could not help but talked about “credit village ” building things. Recalling the situation when Banan District was just beginning to build a “credit village,” Wanzuzi believed that this new model is both a new challenge and an opportunity to develop business and serve “three rural issues.” . On December 22, 2008, the Postal Savings Bank Chongqing Branch and Banan District Government started the construction of a green “Credit Village” in Banan. He combined with the actual work, while insisting on building the characteristics of the Postal Savings Bank, established a new model of close cooperation between the government and banks. Banan District Sub-district and Banan District Government formulated the “Credit Village Loan Discount Management Measures (Trial)”, Banan District Government Finance to come up with special funds for credit records better, on-time repayment of users 5% discount. The postal savings bank surveys the economic status and needs of farmers / merchants at the village (community) level, develops businesses that suit the needs of users, examines them on a household-by-household basis, determines the credit line, and establishes a farmer / merchant credit information bank to gradually integrate commercial banks’ management models To the peasants’ production and life. While implementing the credit preferential policies of the head office, the repayment period of farmers was extended from the original 8 months to 10 months with the introduction of preferential policies of “11-1 ” and twice
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