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目的了解托幼机构软硬件配置情况,为预防传染病传播,规范托幼机构的管理和制定卫生安全措施提供依据。方法用上海市疾病预防控制中心设计的托幼机构基础资料调查表,对该区托幼机构进行普查,在现场用问卷方式展开调查。结果该区的203家托幼机构中,其中注册类有124家,占61.08%;非注册类79家,占38.92%。注册类托幼机构的幼儿工作人员比、隔离室配置、室内通风等情况均优于非注册类托幼机构。结论由于该区属城乡接合部,托幼资源紧张,非注册类托幼机构较多且由于其投入不足,软硬件配置相对较差,同时工作人员缺乏防病专业知识,极易造成传染病在托幼机构中的传播。应针对性地强化托幼机构办学审查,加大监督、监测力度。 Objective To understand the software and hardware configuration of nurseries and kindergartens, and to provide the basis for preventing the spread of infectious diseases, regulating the management of nurseries and child shelters and establishing health and safety measures. Methods Based on the questionnaire of nurseries and kindergartens’ basic information designed by Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the kindergartens and nurseries in this area were surveyed and surveyed on the spot by questionnaire. Results Of the 203 nurseries in the district, 124 were registered, accounting for 61.08%; 79 were non-registered, accounting for 38.92%. The number of child care workers in registered nurseries, the configuration of isolation rooms and indoor ventilation were all better than those in non-registered kindergartens. Conclusions Due to the tight urban-rural junction and the shortage of resources for nurseries and kindergartens, the non-registered nursery and kindergarten institutions are more equipped and the hardware and software are relatively poorly configured due to their inadequate investment. At the same time, staff members lacking the knowledge of disease prevention can easily cause infectious diseases Communication in nurseries. The nurseries and kindergartens should be targeted to strengthen the running of education review, increase supervision and monitoring efforts.
蔓荆子Fructus Viticis始载于《神农本草经》,上品。辛凉解表常用药,传统用于风热感冒头痛、齿龈肿痛、目赤多泪、头晕目眩等。主要化学成分为挥发油、总黄酮,现代药理研究具
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2009年8月22日,北京印维美科技有限公司招商会在吉林省长春市中国长白山酒店隆重举行。北京印维美科技有限公司成立于2004年3月,其管理层由 August 22, 2009, Beijing Yin W
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