
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TIANYAGUKEXING
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春季以来,不少地方结合整顿巩固农业社的工作,对互助组的领导开始引起重视,因而整顿发展互助组工作,取得了一定成绩。如大仁县二十七个村的统计,共整顿与发展了互助组二百一十二个。中共神池县委为贯彻「常年准备,秋后建社」的方针,由上而下的制订了整顿与发展互助组的计划,现已有八十七个村整顿了一百九十六个互助组,并订出生产计划,开展了春耕生产。但是,必须指出,整顿与发展互助组的工作,并没有引起各级党组织和所有农村工作干部的普遍重视。相反,多数地区从去冬以来,对于互助组工作一直是被忽视的。因此,在大量发展农业生产合作社的同时,互助组出现了以下两种情况:一种是许多互助组名存实亡,处于涣散状态,因建社抽散了 Since spring, quite a number of places have consolidated and rectified the work of agricultural cooperatives and begun to pay attention to the leadership of mutual aid groups. As a result, some achievements have been made in rectifying and developing the mutual aid group work. For example, according to the statistics of 27 villages in Da-nien County, a total of 212 mutual aid groups have been consolidated and developed. In order to implement the guideline of “perennial preparation and establishment of a community after autumn”, the CPC prefectural county committee drafted a plan from top to bottom for the rectification and development of mutual aid groups. There are already 87 sub-groups in 87 villages rehabilitated Set a production plan, launched a spring production. However, it must be pointed out that the work of rectifying and developing mutual aid groups has not aroused the universal attention of party organizations and all rural cadres at all levels. On the contrary, since the winter in most areas, the work of mutual aid groups has been neglected. Therefore, while extensively developing agricultural production cooperatives, there are two situations in which mutual aid groups have emerged: one is that many mutual aid groups exist in the slightest extinction and are in a state of fragmentation,