
来源 :中小学电教(下) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahjon
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随着教学改革向纵深发展,现代信息技术——计算机、网络进入课堂教学已成为一种趋势,并且表现出了其独特的优越性。在小学语文阅读教学领域引入这种辅助教学后,不但丰富了课堂教学手段,而且优化了课堂教学结构,在很大程度上提高了课堂教学效率,拓宽了学生的时空观。同时通过知识形成过程的充分展示,促进了学生智力因素和非智力因素的有机结合,激发了学生内在因素,发挥了主体作用,从而培养了学生自学能力和分析解决问题的能力,培养了听、说、读、写、做的能力,促进了儿童语文能力的整体发展和智力的发展。 With the deepening of teaching reform, modern information technology - computer and network has become a trend in classroom teaching and has shown its unique superiority. The introduction of this kind of aided teaching in the field of primary school Chinese reading teaching not only enriched classroom teaching methods but also optimized classroom teaching structure, which greatly improved classroom teaching efficiency and broadened students’ concept of time and space. At the same time, through the full display of the process of knowledge formation, it promotes the organic combination of intellectual and non-intellectual factors, stimulates students’ internal factors and plays a dominant role, thus cultivating their ability of self-learning and analyzing and solving problems, The ability to say, read, write and do has promoted the overall development of children’s language proficiency and the development of intelligence.
结束在加勒比海的游艇假期之后,不妨沿着美国东海岸一路北上,你将欣赏到大都市的繁华,小城镇的魅力和沿岸港口那迷人的绮丽景色。 After your yacht vacation in the Caribb
我之前以为游艇只是一小群人的生活,来到摩纳哥之后才发现,这其实是一种生活理念和态度,不单是奢华,更是一种品位。 I used to think that the yacht was just a small grou
Huang Daxian Temple was built in 1899, repaired in 1904 and rebuilt in 1997. After rebuilding, the temple is oblong and covers an area of 13 thousand square met
The sight spots accredited and listed by the UNESCO rank world-class. Qilu Culture is richly accumulated. Here, history and culture are not dull words on pages,
病例1 男,60岁,汉族,因"消瘦1年、伴心悸,气短2个月,浮肿3周"入院.患者1年前无明显诱因消瘦、食欲减退、乏力、活动后心悸气短、浮肿,多次在当地医院按"扩张型心肌病心力衰竭"治疗后好转,但病情反复,故来我院.既往无高血压、心绞痛史.查体:血压130/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),半卧位,贫血貌,皮肤粗糙,颜面浮肿,甲状腺无肿大,颈静脉怒张,两肺底湿啰音(+),心界左