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经辽宁省人民政府批准 ,辽宁省技术监督局更名为辽宁省质量技术监督局。 2 0 0 0年 3月 16日在“全省质量技术监督局长会议”上 ,新任局长王忠敏作了一次十分精彩的讲话 ,受到与会者的热烈欢迎 ,引起了很大反响。王局长共讲了三个问题 :首先通报了局新班子建设及全省实行垂直管理的进展情况 ;然后谈了几个认识问题 ;最后 ,讲了对当前工作的安排。在讲几个认识问题时用了相当长的篇幅 ,论述了质量技术监督工作的意义、作用。不但对质量技术监督战线上工作的同志有指导作用 ,而且对企业认识了解质量技术监督工作也有重要指导作用。现将其中一部分内容摘登如下 ,并冠名曰 :新局长谈质量技术监督。 Approved by Liaoning Provincial People's Government, Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Technical Supervision changed its name to the Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. March 16, 2000 At the “Conference of Quality and Technical Supervision Directors of the Province”, Wang Zhongmin, the new director, made a wonderful speech and received a warm welcome from the participants, arousing great repercussions. Mr. Wang talked a total of three questions: Firstly, it informed the progress made in the construction of a new bureau and the implementation of vertical management in the province; then it talked about a few problems of understanding; and finally, the arrangements for the current work were explained. Speaking a few cognitive problems with a rather long space, discussed the quality and technical supervision of the significance and role. Not only does it play a guiding role in comrades working on the quality and technical supervision front, but it also plays an important guiding role in understanding and understanding the quality and technical supervision of enterprises. Now part of the content extracted as follows, and title: The new director on quality and technical supervision.
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