Key changes in denervated muscles and their impact on regeneration and reinnervation

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caocao0121
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The neuromuscular junction becomes progressively less receptive to regenerating axons if nerve repair is delayed for a long period of time. It is dififcult to ascertain the denervated muscle’s re-sidual receptivity by time alone. Other sensitive markers that closely correlate with the extent of denervation should be found. After a denervated muscle develops a ifbrillation potential, muscle ifber conduction velocity, muscle ifber diameter, muscle wet weight, and maximal isometric force all decrease; remodeling increases neuromuscular junction fragmentation and plantar area, and expression of myogenesis-related genes is initially up-regulated and then down-regulated. All these changes correlate with both the time course and degree of denervation. The nature and time course of these denervation changes in muscle are reviewed from the literature to explore their roles in assessing both the degree of detrimental changes and the potential success of a nerve repair. Fibrillation potential amplitude, muscle fiber conduction velocity, muscle fiber diameter, mRNA expression levels of myogenic regulatory factors and nicotinic acetylcholine re-ceptor could all relfect the severity and length of denervation and the receptiveness of denervated muscle to regenerating axons, which could possibly offer an important clue for surgical choices and predict the outcomes of delayed nerve repair.
卒中后抑郁( PSD)是指在有明显临床症状的卒中发作后出现的以“情绪低落、活动功能减退、思维迟滞”为主要特征的一类情感障碍性疾病,属于继发性抑郁。PSD严重影响卒中患者的肢
Since damaged neural circuits are not generally self-recovered, developing methods to stimulate neurogenesis is critically required. Most studies have examined