
来源 :国外医学(寄生虫病分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunj2009
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作者对苏丹某些民间药用植物的杀螺作用进行了初步筛选。筛选用的螺蛳为小泡螺(Buliffnus truncatus)和大扁螺(Biompha-laria pfeifferi)。药液的配制方法是:(1)取植物各部分的粉末2g,加蒸馏水150ml,浸泡24小时后过滤,用蒸馏水洗涤残渣,使浸液达到200ml;(2)对上法提取液具有杀螺作用的样品,取40克粉末放在索克斯累特回流提取器中,用石油醚(50~70℃)连续提取,随后用酒精抽提,残渣用蒸馏水洗涤。上述原液进一步稀释后供试验用。各种提取液的杀螺筛选试验均按世界卫生组织推荐的方法进行。共筛选了28科45属51种的78个样品,其中对小泡螺有杀灭作用的有5科6属8种的18个样品,即大戟科假白榄属的Jatraphaaceroides的根、茎、种子,Jatropha aethiopica的根、茎,Jatropha curcas的根,百合科的Dipcadi fesoghlense的鳞茎,含羞草科金合欢 The authors initially screened the molluscicidal effects of certain folk medicinal plants in the Sudan. The snails used for screening were Buliffnus truncatus and Biompha-laria pfeifferi. The preparation method of the liquid medicine is: (1) take 2g of powder of various parts of the plant, add distilled water 150ml, soak for 24 hours, filter, wash the residue with distilled water to make the infusion reach 200ml; (2) have snails on the extract of the upper method For the affected sample, 40 g of the powder was placed in a Soxhlet reflux extractor and continuously extracted with petroleum ether (50-70°C), followed by extraction with alcohol and the residue was washed with distilled water. The stock solution was further diluted for testing. Spirulina screening tests for various extracts were performed according to the methods recommended by the World Health Organization. A total of 78 samples of 45 species and 45 genera in 28 families were screened, of which 18 samples of 5 species, 6 genera, and 8 species that had a killing effect on vesicular snails, namely, the roots and stems of Jatraphaeroides from the genus Eupatorium of Euphorbiaceae. , seeds, roots and stems of Jatropha aethiopica, roots of Jatropha curcas, bulbs of Dipcadi fesoghlense of Liliaceae, Mimosa acacia
Yawning is a phylogenetically old, stereotypedevent that occurs alone or associated with stretchingand/or penile erection in humans, in animals fromreptiles to
五十年代初期,我室曾发现组织浸液具有促垂体一肾上腺轴的作用。此外,是否还具有促垂体-甲状腺轴或其它轴系的作用,值得研究。 本实验设计旨在观察组织浸液对大鼠血清甲状腺
(Ⅰ)为利胆药物,含有直水苏(Stachy recta)的有效物质多酚化合物.本文报道了分别用大鼠水肿、兔四氯化碳中毒性肝炎及升汞中毒的动物模型研究该药的药理作用。 1.抗炎作用:
用新颖的能连续加载、卸载并配有声发射监测的涂层压入仪 ,对薄膜与基体的结合强度进行了探讨。实验结果表明 ,膜或膜 /基破坏的声发射信号各有特点 ,可区分压入过程中 (含卸