强化优质服务 保障安全供电

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电力市场整顿和优质服务年活动的扎实开展,是新形势下继续坚持“人民电业为人民”宗旨的具体体现,是新形势下客户对电力企业的要求,也是电力企业发展的客观需要。2002年,在深圳供电分公司和各区人民政府的正确领导下,农电总公司围绕“安全供电、服务到位”工作目标,面对电力供应紧张局面,大力发扬团结协作精神,知难而进,狠抓安全生产,积极推进农网改造,不断强化优质服务,取得了可喜成绩,为深圳市农村经济发展作出了应有贡献。 The solid development of the power market consolidation and quality service year activities is a concrete embodiment of the continued adherence to the purpose of “the People’s Electric Power Industry is the People” under the new situation. It is a requirement of customers for power companies under the new situation and an objective requirement for the development of power companies. In 2002, under the correct leadership of the Shenzhen Power Supply Company and the people’s governments of all districts, the Agricultural Power Corporation focused on the tight supply of electricity under the goal of “safety power supply and service in place” and vigorously promoted the spirit of solidarity and collaboration. We have paid close attention to safe production, actively promoted the transformation of rural power grids, and continuously strengthened quality services. We have made gratifying achievements and made due contributions to the economic development of rural areas in Shenzhen.
抓住入世的机遇,趋利避害,扬长避短,做好入世的应对工作1、利用好过渡期2、抓住入世有利时机,实施出口多元化战略,千方百计扩大出口 Grasping the opportunity of accession
年产值1500万元以上,广西首家标准磷酸包装桶生产线项目近日在钦州港动工。 9月11日。贵州专门生产磷酸包装桶的厂家在参加桂林2002年全国乡镇企业东西合作经贸洽谈暨产品展
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“高调做事,低调做人”常被一些人当作处世哲学。我们似乎不太喜欢高调的人,比如陈光标没少捐钱,但因为过于高调而备受质疑。而对于那些大家、名家,如果低调,就更容易被褒扬,比如屠呦呦。  日前,屠呦呦乘机飞往瑞典领取诺贝尔奖,由于登机时选择普通通道,避开在VIP厅等候的送行官员,网友对此大加赞赏,纷纷认为屠呦呦获奖后,没有居功自傲,更没有沉醉在媒体和公众狂热的追捧中,“低调登机就是她不计名利的最真实的表
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。NaturalConference:专为AG和CG平台设计的多方会议服务系统软件@何有麟$NMS国际通讯有限公司!大中华区总经理 Please download
据“RubberIndia,2 0 0 1 ,5 3( 1 2 ) :9~ 1 1”报道 ,1 999~2 0 0 0年 ,印度橡胶产品的增长率为 2 .8% ,但 2 0 0 0~2 0 0 1年猛跌至 1 .3%。 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年印度天然橡胶(NR)产量为 630