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当前,加快推进政府转型有两个大的背景:一是经济发展中许多深层次的矛盾和问题都同政府职能转变相联系;二是社会生活中突出的矛盾和潜在的风险,要求强化政府的公共服务职能。在这种特定的背景下,我们要把政府改革放到更加突出的位置,努力实现政府转型的实质性突破。 把以公共服务为中心的政府转型作为改革攻坚的重点。政府改革滞后,事实上越来越制约着其他领域改革的进程,并由此增加了改革的复杂性和难度。未来几年,我国的改革有可能发生几个重要的转变,例如:(1)由微观体制改革向宏观管理体制改革的推进和转变;(2)由竞争性领域的改革向垄断性领域改革的推进和转变;(3)由经济体制改革向社会体制改革的推进和转变。这三方面改革的推进和转变,在相当大程度上依赖于政府转型。因此,“十一五”时期以政府转型为重点,各项改革才会有新的进展。 以公共服务为主要目标,加快行政体制改革。从关注公共需求变化和扩大政府公共服务职能出发,是新阶段行政体制改革的基本要求。这就要特别强调明确划分和严格规范各级 At present, there are two broad backgrounds in accelerating the transformation of the government. First, many deep-seated conflicts and problems in economic development are linked with the transformation of government functions. Second, prominent contradictions and potential risks in social life call for strengthening the government’s Public service functions. In this particular context, we should put government reform in a more prominent position and strive to achieve a substantive breakthrough in the transformation of the government. Take the public service as the center of the government transformation as the focus of reform. The fact that the government reforms are lagging behind, in fact, has increasingly restricted the process of reform in other areas and has thus added to the complexity and difficulty of the reforms. In the next few years, there are several important changes that may take place in our country’s reforms. For example: (1) the promotion and transformation of the micro-system reform to the reform of the macro-management system; (2) the reform from the competitive area to the monopoly area Promote and change; (3) from the economic system reform to promote the social system reform and change. The promotion and transformation of these three reforms depend to a large extent on the transformation of the government. Therefore, during the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan, focusing on the transformation of the government, new progress will be made in various reforms. With public service as the main goal, we should speed up the reform of the administrative system. Starting from paying attention to the change of public demand and expanding the government public service functions, it is the basic requirement of the administrative system reform in the new stage. This requires special emphasis on clearly delineating and strictly regulating all levels
以松嫩平原西部为研究区,利用Landsat-8 OLI影像提取温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),根据野外实测数据反演了土壤湿度的空间分布得到了空间分布图。此外,还将土壤湿度分布图划分为5个干旱等级(无旱、轻旱、中旱、重旱和特旱)。结果表明,将TVDI反演得到的土壤湿度空间分布图,同实测数值进行相关性分析,发现二者具有良好的相关性,且有95%个采样点相关系数通过了0.01水平(双侧)显著性检验,且计算R