来源 :电子科学学刊:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwe1658361
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There is difficulty for distinguishing of river and shadow in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. A method of river segmentation in SAR images based on wavelet energy and gradient is proposed in this paper. It mainly includes two algorithms: coarse seg
The system stochastic noises involved in Kalman filtering are preconditioned on being ideally white and Gaussian distributed. In this research, efforts are exer
An orthogonal multi-carrier modulation-Filtered Multi-Tone (FMT) modulation, is evaluated in this paper. The objective of this paper is to model the FMT system
Digital signature is one of the most important cryptographic primitives. We proposed a new digital signature scheme based on Catalano’s trapdoor. Since Catalan
摘 要:近年来,随着我国图书馆体制改革的不断推进,图书馆总馆/分馆制的服务模式越来越为图书馆界所推崇。  关键词:图书馆;“一卡式”服务;阅读社会  1 公共图书馆零门槛免费开放,“一卡式”服务模式运行  近年来,随着我国图书馆体制改革的不断推进,图书馆总馆/分馆制的服务模式越来越为图书馆界所推崇。总馆/分馆管理模式,是指城市图书馆纳入一个管理体制,统一管辖,统一经费来源,统一业务行政管理,统一技
A new low-cost demodulator for ZigBee receivers satisfying requirements of IEEE802.15.4 standard is presented,which is designed for ISM 2.4 GHz band and based o
Energy is the determinant factor for the survival of Mobile Sensor Networks(MSN).Based on the analysis of the energy distribution in this paper,a two-phase relo
When evidence comes from multiple events they should be handled independently, and it is unknown to which event a piece of evidence is related. In this paper, t
摘 要:要对地方税收法律体系进行完善,就必须走出思想认识的误区,对中央与地方的财政关系进行理顺,从而对地方税种进行优化配置,将多层级的统一地方税收规范体系建立起来。  关键词:地方税收;法律体系;优化配置  0 引言  作为地方税收制度的重要法律表现形式,地方税收法律体系发挥着非常重要的作用,地方税制属于国家统一税制的一部分,必须对地方税收法律体系进行进一步的完善,使之适应我国经济发展的需求。  
In this paper, a multicarrier DS-CDMA system which employs Z-Complementary Se- quences (ZCS) as spreading code is investigated. The new system can not only elim
去年,北京的住宅建设已开始实施“初装修与二次装修”两步到位的改革。 所谓“初装修”,是指住宅工程建设阶段,只对室内完成初步装修,待工程竣工验收以后,再按住户的要求统一