新目标七年级(下)Units 5-6疑难解析

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  Unit 5
   1. ——What are you doing?你在干什么?
   ——I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。
   (1) 一问一答两个句子均使用了现在进行时。watch为及物动词,“观看;注视”,指带有欣赏性的观看,常指看电视、看比赛。例如:
  Jim is watching a football game. 吉姆正在观看一场足球比赛。
  (2) watch还可以用作名词,“手表”。例如:
  I want a new watch. 我想要一块新手表。
   2. ——What are you doing? 你在干什么?
   ——I’m cleaning. 我在打扫卫生。
  clean 作为动词,含义是“使清洁;使干净”等。例如:
  The floor is cleaned easily. 这地板容易弄干净。
  clean 可作形容词,含义是“清新的;干净的”等。例如:
  We should keep the classroom clean. 我们应该保持教室干净。
   3. Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?
  (1) want 动词,“想;想要”。通常有两种用法,即want sth. 想要某物;want to do sth. 想要做某事。例如:
  That boy wants a computer. 那个男孩想要一台电脑。
  They want to take some photos in the park. 他们想在公园里拍一些照片。
  (2) movie名词,“电影;影片”。go to the movies去看电影。例如:
  That’s a good movie. 那是一部好电影。
  Let’s go to the movies. 让我们去看电影吧!
   4. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。
  sound 为连系动词,“听起来……”,其后可直接跟形容词作表语,而不能接副词。例如:
  [误] The music sounds beautifully.
  [正] The music sounds beautiful.
   5. This TV show is boring. 这个电视节目很无聊。
  (1)show 此处为名词,“展览;展示;节目”。例如:
  I like fashion show very much. 我非常喜欢时装表演。
  show 还常用作动词,“出示;展示”,主要用法为show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物出示给某人看。例如:
  He shows his photos to us.=He shows us his photos. 他给我们看他的照片。
  This is a boring book. 这是一本乏味的书。
   6. What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?
  (1)wait 不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,接宾语时要与介词for搭配使用,wait for sb./sth.等待某人/某事; wait to do sth.等着做某事。
  类似的不及物动词与介词搭配使用的还有:look at看,listen to听,talk about谈论,talk to和……谈话等。
  We’re waiting for a bus. 我们在等公共汽车。
  He is waiting to see the boss. 他在等着见老板。
  wait的其他短语与句型:waiting room候诊(车)室,wait one’s chance等待时机,wait on服侍、伺候,can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待地去干某事。例如:
  They all wait on the king. 他们都在侍奉国王。
  Today is Mingming’s birthday; he can’t wait to open his present.
  The children are waiting for their teacher. 孩子们在等他们的老师。
  7. Who are Lisa and Tim talking to? What are they talking about? 莉莎和蒂姆在和谁谈话?他们在谈论什么?
  talk在句中作动词,意思是“交谈,谈论”。常用搭配:talk to“谈话”,talk about“谈论”,talk with“谈论,交谈”,强调双方都在讲。
  They are talking about the new movie. 他们正在谈论那部新影片。
  Are you talking about me? 他们正在谈论关于我的事情吗?
  Can I have a talk with you? 我可以和你谈谈吗?
  They’ll have a talk this afternoon. 今天下午他们要听报告。
   8. Thanks for your letter and the photos. 谢谢你的来信和寄来的照片。
  (1) thanks for相当于thank you for, for后跟名词。例如:
  Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
  Thanks for your kindness. 感谢你的好意。
  (2) 如果for后要表示一个动作,就要使用动名词形式,即:Thanks for doing sth.。例如:
  Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助了我。
  Thanks for telling me the way. 谢谢你给我指路。
   9. Here are some of my photos. 这是我的一些照片。
  Here is your book. 这是你的书。 Here you are. 给你。
  其正常语序为:Some of my photos are here.
  some of意为“一些”,后面跟名词的复数。例如:
  some of my books 一些我的书(我书中的一部分)
  10. ——When do you want to go? 你什么时候走? ——At three o’clock. 三点。
  when在这里表示时间,相当于what time。当when表示具体的几点钟时,它可以代替what time,而如要表示年、月、日、星期几时,我们只能用when。如你每天几点起床?这里的几点指的是钟点,所以我们可以说,“What time do you get up every day?”,也可以说,“When do you get up every day?”。但是如果我们想说,“你什么时候过生日?”我们只能说“When is your birthday?”,因为这里的时间指的是几月几号。
  Unit 6
   1. ——How is the weather in Shanghai? 上海天气怎么样?——It’s cloudy。多云。
  The weather is good (fine) today. 今天的天气很好。
  We have a mild climate here. 这儿的气候温和。
  (2)若对天气状况提问时,常用How’s the weather…?意为“……的天气如何?”例如:
  How is the weather today? 今天的天气如何?
  也可这样问:What’s the weather like today?
  本单元中还有windy(多风的), sunny(晴朗的), 也是同样的构词法(wind+y和sun双写n+y)。类似的还有rainy(多雨的)和snowy(多雪的)等。
  It’s cold today. 今天很冷。
  What time is it now? 现在几点了?
  How far is it from the school? 到学校有多远?
  It’s about one mile. 一英里左右。
   2. ——How is it going? 你好吗?
   ——Great! 好极了!
  How is everything? 一切都好吗?
  Hello, how is your family? 家里人都好吗?
  Hi, how is the life? 日子过得怎样?
  此类答语一般用“Great!好极了!”; “Not bad!不错!”; “Terrible!糟透了!”; “Pretty good. 相当好。”; “Just so-so. 马马虎虎(一般化)。”“Same so ever. 同以前一样。”等。
  (2)句中的主语是代词it, 用来指代问话人所问的“那件事情”,即可以指代问话人所关心的任何事情。
  (3)动词go在此处不表示“去;走”,而表示“进行;进展”,常用be going的结构。例如:
  Everything is going well. 一切进展顺利。
  ——How is it going? 事情进展如何?
  ——Marvelous! 棒极了!
   3. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around the World show. 谢谢你参加央视《世界各地》栏目。
  Around the World 在此作为专有名词,所以要大写首字母,即“(央视的)世界各地”栏目。around the world 意为:环球(旅行),或世界各地。around 在此处的意思是:在各处。例如:
  Your clothes are lying around the room. 你的衣服放得屋里到处都是。
   4. There are many people here on vacation. 很多人在这儿度假。
  vacation作名词,意为“休假;假期”。常指一次性的休假(不论假日有多少天)。on vacation是“在休假中;在度假”的意思,也可说on holiday。例如:
  Where are you planning to spend your next vacation? 下一次你打算去哪里度假?
  They went to France on vacation last month. 上个月他们到法国去度假了。
   5. Some are taking photos. 有些人在照相。
  take photos 意思是“拍照”。如果表示“拍……的照片”,用“take photos of sth./sb.”。例如:
  ——What are you doing here? 你们在这儿干什么?
  ——We’re taking photos of the panda. 我们在给熊猫拍照。
   6. But everyone is having a good time. 但是每个人都玩得很高兴。
  have a good time意思是“玩得愉快;高兴”,相当于have a wonderful time/have a great time/have a nice time。例如:
  We had a good time at the party yesterday. 我们昨天在晚会上玩得很开心。
   7. ——Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?
   ——Sure, this video is boring. 当然想,这个电视录像太没劲了。
  Sure用来回答问句:“Do you want to do something?”表示“非常愿意/当然了”之意。例如:
  ——Do you want to play soccer with us? 你愿意和我们一起踢足球球吗?
  ——Sure. 当然愿意。
  ——Do you know what this is in English? 你知道这个用英语怎么说吗?
  ——Sure, it’s a book. 当然,是书
  口语中还可以用“Of course./Certainly.”来回答。例如:
  ——Do you like to listen to music? ——Of course./Certainly.
   8. Not bad. 还行,不错。
  这是人们对事情的进展,所处环境等表示“还满意”的常用表达方式,类似的表达还有:“Great!棒极了!”“Terrible!太糟了!很差劲!”“Pretty good!相当好!”
   9. Hi, Alice? This is Bob. 喂,是艾丽斯吗?我是鲍勃。
  这是打电话用语,其中This is…相当于I’m…但在打电话中要用This is…,不可用I’m…来说明自己的身份。打电话的常用语有:“Who’s that? 你是谁呀?” “Who’s speaking? 谁在讲话?” “Is that… 你是……?” “This is… 我是……。” “May I speak to Mary? 我可以找玛丽通话吗?”
  10. That sounds terrible. 那听起来很糟糕。
  Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来不错。
  The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来很美。
  (2)类似的系动词还有:look(看起来), seem(似乎), taste(尝起来), feel(摸起来), turn(变得),grow(变得), become(变成)。例如:
  He looks happy. 他看起来很高兴。
  He seems quite happy. 他似乎很高兴。
  It tastes fine. 这东西吃起来很好。
  The cloth feels soft. 这布料摸起来柔软。
  His face turns red. 他的脸变红了。
  It grew dark. 天色变暗了。
  He becomes more and more strong. 他变得越来越强壮了。
   1. Look!He ____ games over there.
   A. plays B. play C. playing D. is playing
   2. ——What are the children doing?
   ——They ____ volleyball.
   A. playing B. be playing C. are playing D. is playing
   3. Are they ____?
   A. takes photos B. taking photos C. take photos D. took photos
   4. ——Could you come here, please? The box is too big.
   A. No, I can’t B. Yes, I could
   C. You’re welcome D. OK, I’m coming now
   5. Look! Who is she talking ____?
   A. at B. with C. over D. for
   6. ——____ Dave and Marie ____ TV now?
   ——Yes, they are.
   A. Does; watching B. Is; watching C. Does; watch D. Are; watching
   7. Look! Jenny ____ a book and her sister ____ her homework.
   A. is looking at; is doing B. is reading; is doing
   C. reads; do D. is seeing; does
   8. Nancy and Mary are doing ____ homework.
   A. her B. their C. my D. your
   9. A dog is ____ after a ball now.
   A. run B. running C. runs D. ran
  10. When Australia is hot, China is ____.
   A. cool B. warm C. humid D. cold
  11. In South China ____ a lot of rain.
   A. has B. have C. there is D. there are
  12. My watch is lost. I’m ___ it.
   A. finding B. asking C. looking for D. watching
  13. ____ winter it is very cold ____ Moscow.
   A. In, in B. In, at C. On, in D. On, on
  14. Thank you ____ me with my homework.
   A. to help B. to helping C. for help D. for helping
  15. I ____ it can ____.
   A. think; not fly B. think; not flying C. don’t think; fly D. think not; flying
  16. ——How was it going?
   ——____. I don’t want to tell it to my parents.
   A. Great B. Not bad C. Terrible D. Pretty good
  17. ____ the weather like tomorrow?
   A. How’s B. When’s C. What’s D. Where’s
  18. It’s windy. That ____.
   A. sound terribly B. sounds terrible C. sounds terribly D. looks terribly
  19. ____ it going?
   A. How are B. How’s C. What are D. What’s
  20. I really don’t ____ see me.
   A. her want B. want her to C. want her D. her want to
  Key:1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.D 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.B
Unit 9  1.——What did you do last weekend, Lucy?露西你上周末干什么了?  ——On Saturday morning, I played tennis.星期六早晨我打网球了。
提起fish,它给人们的第一反应便是指“鱼”,实际上它的用法并非如此简单。fish用作可数名词指“鱼的条数”时单数和复数形式相同(two fish两条鱼),指“鱼的种类”时复数形式才为fishes(two fishes两种鱼);fish用作不可数名词时无复数形式,应作“鱼肉”解;fish用作动词时,它的含义又与“钓(捕)鱼”有关(go fishing去钓鱼)。如:
Ⅰ.词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)  A)根据释义及首字母提示完成单词。  1.What s_____bowl of noodles would you like?
Unit 5     1. 【点击原文】What are you doing? I’m watching TV.  【聚焦中考】Be quiet, please. The students ____ a class now.(2008年,长春)  A. haveB. hadC. are havingD. were having  【答案简析】答案C。根据句意应用现在进行时。   2. 【点击原文】
Unit 7  1.What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?  look like的意思是“看上去像……”。这里的like是介词,常与感官动词连用,后接名词或代词的宾格形式。如:
would like意为“愿意,想要”,与want意义相近,但语气要比want委婉。这里的would为情态动词,常与主语缩写为’d。wouldlike可用于任何人称,没有人称和数的变化,其后可接名词。代词或动词不定式,但不可接动名词。下面将其用法作一归纳:
根据研究,英语学习最好是从八、九岁开始。现代英语教学的改革,已经使我国的英语启蒙教育从初中提前到了小学三年级。然而,目前小学阶段的英语教学只能属于“印象派”,真正的英语学习还是从初一开始。英语听力是英语学习中比较重要的一部分,也是过去被忽视的一部分。在当前形势下,我们从初一开始,就必须有意识的练习和提高英语学习中英语听力能力,为中考做准备。  很多同学都是在进入初三后才意识到听力的重要性,这已让他
1.look (at), see, watch, read    这一组词均与“看”有关,但用法有别。  look为不及物动词,强调看的动作,表示有意识地集中精力去看,但并不一定能看见,多用来唤起别人的注意。其后接宾语时,一定要加介词at。look还可用作连系动词,作“看上去”解。see用作及物动词,后接宾语,也可用作不及物动词,意为“看见,看到”,强调看的结果,但不一定是有意识地“看”,常与ca
精彩亮相:大家好,我来自疑问副词家族。我的意思是“为什么”。要问我有什么本领?我的本领可大了,今天就给大家讲一讲:  1. 我的意思是“为什么”,是个疑问副词,我能作为疑问词引导特殊疑问句,用来询问原因,针对此类问句进行回答时,一般要用because引导。eg:  ——Why does he go to the hospital? 他为什么去医院?  ——Because his father wo
Ⅰ. 词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)  根据句意及首字母的提示完成句子。   1. ——What is Susan doing? ——She is w____ TV.   2. ——Is your mother c____ the room? ——Yes, she is.   3. The sun goes down in the w____.   4. ——What are you d