Switchable hydrophobic-hydrophilic layer obtained onto porous alumina by plasma-enhanced fluorinatio

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lryna22
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Conventional lithographic printing processes using porous alumina for offset applications generally use “wet” routes. Recently “dry” processes have been developed which are based on a heat-induced hydrophilic/oleophilic conversion of one or more layers of the coating so that a stronger affinity to-wards ink or water fountain is created at the exposed areas with respect to the surface of the unex-posed coating. Treatments involving rf plasma-enhanced fluorination (PEF) constitute exceptional tools for modifying the surface properties of materials. Many advantages of these techniques can be indeed outlined, when compared to more conventional methods: room-temperature reactions, chemical modi-fications limited to surface only without changing the bulk properties, possible non-equilibrium reac-tions. The influence of PEF treatments on porous alumina layer used in printing plates has been tested with various fluorinated gases (CF4, C3F8 and C4F8) and characterized by XPS. The hydrophobic prop-erties of the fluorinated layer have been deduced from contact angle measurements. Using C4F8 rf-PEF treatment, the outmost surface of the hydrophilic alumina substrate used for lithographic printing is hydrophobized, or in other words, the hydrophilic substrate is converted into a support with hydro-phobic properties. Once being hydrophobized, the surface layer may be rendered hydrophilic using a heat pulse, thus giving rise to switchable hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of the material. Conventional lithographic printing processes using porous alumina for offset applications generally use “wet” routes. Recently “dry ” processes have been developed which are based on a heat-induced hydrophilic / oleophilic conversion of one or more layers of the coating so that a stronger affinity to-wards ink or water fountain is created at the exposed areas with respect to the surface of the unex-posed coating. Treatments involving rf plasma-enhanced fluorination (PEF) constituting exceptional tools for modifying the surface properties of materials. Many advantages of these techniques can be indeed outlined, when compared to more conventional methods: room-temperature reactions, chemical modi-fications limited to surface only without changing the bulk properties, possible non-equilibrium reac- tions. The influence of PEF treatments on porous alumina layer used in printing plates has been tested with various fluorinated gases (CF4, C3F8 and C4F8) and characterized by XPS. The hydrophobi c prop-erties of the fluorinated layer have been deduced from contact angle measurements. Using C4F8 rf-PEF treatment, the outmost surface of the hydrophilic alumina substrate used for lithographic printing is hydrophobized, or in other words, the hydrophilic substrate is converted into a support with hydro-phobic properties. Once be hydrophobized, the surface layer may be rendered hydrophilic using a heat pulse, thus giving rise to switchable hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of the material.
A new complex constructed from a unit with two As3O6 rings capping Anderson-type moieties,[Ni(en)2(H2O)2]2[(NiO6)Mo6O18(As3O3)2]·2H2O(1,en = ethylenediamine),h
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古人在审判重要犯人时,经常会提到“三司会审”。这个词常常让人疑惑:什么是三司会审?三司又包括哪三司呢?  三司会审是中国古代的一种审判制度。“三司”是中国古代三个主要的中央司法机关,源于战国时期的太尉、司空、司徒三法官,后世也称三法司。汉代的三法司是廷尉、御史中丞和司隶校尉;唐代以刑部尚书、御史中丞、大理卿为三司使;明清两代以刑部、大理寺、都察院为三法司。  汉代以来,凡遇重大案件,由主管刑狱机关
我们看电视剧,常常见到剧中将有钱有势的地主一类的人称为“某员外”,这是为什么呢?  员外其实是员外郎的简称,是一种官职,有“正额之外”增设之意。三国时期魏末最早设置了员外散骑常侍,晋朝初年又设置员外散骑侍郎,都是皇帝的侍从官。南北朝时,又新设了殿中员外将军、员外司马等。到了隋朝,员外的地位进一步提升,成为尚书省二十四司内的各司次官。唐、宋、辽、金、元、明、清沿隋制,以郎中、员外郎为六部各司正副主官
孙景海于1958年6月出生,1976年2月入伍,中共党员,大学学历,主任医师。现任沈阳军区联勤一分部副部长兼第208医院院长。入伍35年来,无论是作为普通一兵,还是走上领导岗 Sun J