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《屈原列传》云:“屈原既死之后,楚有宋玉、唐勒、景差之徒者,皆好辞而以赋见称;然皆祖屈原之从容辞令,终莫敢直谏”。这句中的“从容辞令”用现代白话该怎样解释,历来众说纷纭莫衷一是。恐怕是从鲁迅以来,就没有一个较为公允的说法。鲁迅在《汉文学史纲要》中有这样的话:“稍后,楚又有宋玉、唐勒、景差之徒,皆好辞,而以赋见称。虽学屈原之文辞,终莫敢直谏,盖掇其哀愁,猎其华艳,而‘九死未悔’之概失矣。”可见鲁迅也没有正面解 “Qu Yuan Biography” said: “Qu Yuan after the death, Chu You Song Yu, Tang Le, the difference between those who believe in the matter, are good to resign and to see Fu; then all the ancestors Qu Yuan graciously dictated, and finally dare to speak.” In this sentence, the “quiet talk” uses modern vernacular to explain how to explain it. I am afraid that since Lu Xun, there has not been a more fair statement. Lu Xun had a saying in the Outline of Literary History of the Han Dynasty: "Afterwards, Chu also had Song Yu, Tang Le, and a person who had bad sentiments, all of whom were resigned, and he was known by Fu. Although he learned the words of Qu Yuan, he dared to endure. Straight forward, cover their grief, hunt their Hua Yan, and ’never die’ is not lost.’ Shows that Lu Xun has no positive solution
当一个多边形的周长一定且有一边长固定时,其面积的最大值在何时取到? 对于三角形,利用海伦公式,易得定理1 设△ABC中,BC=m(定长)且AB+AC=n(定长),(n>m)则当且仅当AB=AC=n/2
Aim: To comparatively evaluate the efficacy and post-operative complications of the Madigan’s prostatectomy(MPC) and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPPC). Methods:
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例1 如图1所示,质量分别为M和m的物体用质量不计的细绳通过定滑轮连接。M放在倾角为θ=37°的固定光滑斜面上,m放在光滑的竖直杆上,M/m为25/9。定滑轮到竖直杆的距离 Examp
Aim: To study the apoptotic rate (AR) and the androgen and estrogen milieu in the proximal and distal ductal sys-tems of prostate, in order to help exploring t
排尿困难是前列腺肥大患者的常见症状。速效伤风胶囊、克感敏等目前临床常用的复方抗感冒药一般都含有扑尔敏成分。当人体内支配排尿活动的神经兴奋时 ,神经末梢能释放一种叫
目的 :探讨双J管内引流在上尿路手术中的应用效果。方法 :术中经肾盂或输尿管切口置入双J管 ,并保证其远端进入膀胱内 ,必要时可采用带尾线双J管。双J管放置时间以 4~ 6周为宜