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一封“特别投诉”信2002年6月9日,安徽省人大《江淮法治》杂志社接到一封“特别投诉”信,投诉人系安徽省六安市金安区双河镇春光村村民杨修芳。从来信内容上看,是杨修芳反映本人在第五届村委会换届选举中竞选村妇干遭遇不公正待遇的事,杨反映的情况大致如下:在第一轮候选人提名时,杨得了570票,而另一名候选人姜文艺仅得331票。随后,村选举委员会公告确定正式选举于5月12日上午8时在小学举行。但到正式投票选举时,姜文艺的票数却大增,得498票,而杨修芳则以409票落选。杨修芳在投诉中提出:“这次选举实际上 A letter of “Special Complaint” On June 9, 2002, Anhui Provincial People’s Congress Magazine “JACU” received a “Special Complaint” letter from the villagers in Chunguang Village, Shuanghe Town, Jin’an District, Lu’an City, Anhui Province Yang Xiufang. From the perspective of the content of the letter, Yang Xiufang reflected himself in the election of the village women in the general election of the Fifth Village Committee for unfair treatment. Yang generally reflected the following: In the first round of nominations, Yang obtained 570 Votes, and another candidate Jiang Wenyi only 331 votes. Subsequently, the Village Election Committee announced that the official election will be held in primary school at 8 am on May 12. However, when it came to formally voting, Jiang Wenyi’s votes increased sharply to 498 votes, while Yang Hsiu-fang dropped out with 409 votes. Yang Xiufang filed a complaint: "This election is actually
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IN July 2007,Hu Jiandang packed a small suitcase and headed for the town of Panggezhuang in Daxing District on the southern outskirts of Beijing-a decision that
This is a touching story.“One day,during the noon break,I was answering the phone at the rights-protection hot line at the Zhengzhou Women’s Federation,in Hen