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有些通讯员认为,要写出分量重,能够产生“轰动效应”的好稿子,必须抓大事。其实不然,只要抓得准,小事也可产生强烈的宣传效果。去年被评为全国好新闻的《农家女三换地图闯世界》,就是很好的一例。这篇消息短短五百多字,通过一位农民为做茶叶买卖三换地图的事,生动地反映出了改革开放给我国农民带来的变化,产生的“轰动效应”不可谓不强烈。在这方面本人也有一定体会。1989年,为庆祝建国四十周年,各家新闻单位都大量发表了反映建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国发生巨大变化的稿件。我看到这些方面的稿件已发表了不少,就根据自己的所见所闻,变换角度写了一篇随笔《校园里的自行车》,这篇稿子,从现 Some correspondents think that major issues must be grasped to write good manuscripts that weigh heavily and produce “sensational effects.” In actual fact, as long as grasping accurate, small things can also have a strong publicity. Last year was named the national good news, “Nvjusha map for the world” is a very good example. This message is just over 500 words. It vividly reflects the changes brought about by the reform and opening up to our peasants through the work of one farmer in making a map of the sale of tea. The “sensational effect” can not be ignored. In this regard, I also have some experience. In 1989, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, various news units published a large number of manuscripts reflecting the tremendous changes in our country since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up. I saw a lot of manuscripts published in these areas. I wrote an essay “Bicycle on Campus,” based on what I saw and heard. This manuscript, from now on
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