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  Not all dog owners are considerate. Many towns and cities across the world face a mess of left-behind poop from pooches. A small town located about 20 miles away from Madrid, Spain, initiated a plan to teach 4)canine owners a lesson.
  The council utilized about 20 volunteers who scoured the streets, looking for humans who wouldn’t clean up after their dogs. The volunteers would then casually approach the pet owners and start a conversation in order to obtain the pooch’s name. An authority from the council explains the process stating“With the name of the dog and the breed it was possible to identify the owner from the registered pet database held in the town hall.” The volunteers would then pick up the dog feces and the package would be delivered by courier to the pet owner’s residence.
  The campaign ran for a total of one week back in February of this year. In just a few short months, the town has seen a 70% decrease in the amount of dog defecation left on public streets.

崭新的书本、整齐的桌椅、明亮的教室——可以说,这些都是当今学校的“标配”,当然了,现代化教育还要有多媒体教室、高学历师资……但如果说,在21世纪,在地球的某个地方依然有孩子只能在臭烘烘的牛棚里求学,你会不会觉得这是在编故事?  没有教育,世上就永无和平——少女活动家、诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉·尤萨夫扎伊如是说。在她的祖国巴基斯坦,现在出现了教育危机。巴基斯坦有五千八百万名学龄儿童,而将近一半并未在校
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